
Why Your Home is a Seller’s Goldmine

Selling your stuff online is a great way to declutter your home and make a bit of cash at the same time. If you rummage through your closets, you can probably find several items that you haven’t used in years. If they’re in good condition, chances are someone else would be happy to take them off your hands. Curious about what kind of treasures you could list online right now? Here are 10 of the most common options that’ll put some extra cash in your pocket.  

Vintage items

It looks like old junk to you, but a collector might see it as “vintage’ or “retro.”  Relics from decades past (think the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s) are often more valuable than you’d think. Check your storage areas (or your grandparents’ house) for things like obsolete electronics, vinyl records and old toys. You could get $20 for a 1961 “Christmas with the Chipmunks” LP, $60 for a 1970s RCA combination TV clock radio, or $125 for a 1980s Apple II+ computer. Toys in their original packaging are especially popular with buyers. A boxed GI Joe Jeep from 1964 could fetch upwards of $200.

"Keeping It Simple" - Editor's Post

This summer, with my husband being out of a job, God has gifted our family with the magic of a dwindling bank account. And what a gift it is.

"How are you keeping your kids busy this summer?" my friends want to know.

Well, truthfully, I'm not. These days, we aren't keeping "busy" much at all.

And I've never been more convinced that by not having a summer of frills and thrills planned for the girls, they're developing in incredible ways. They're sewing pillows, entertaining us with math riddles and brainteasers, building forts, having tea parties with their stuffed animals, writing short stories (more than 20 combined since the beginning of June), experimenting in the kitchen, and more.

How to Make Homemade Gak

What you'll need:
1/2 cup water + 1/4 cup for later
1/2 teaspoon Borax
Food coloring (optional)
  1. Pour the glue into a bowl with 1/2 cup of water.  Mix well.  
  2. Add the food coloring if you'd like a fun color (if want to get really fancy, add some glitter too!).
  3. In a new bowl, mix 1/2 tspn of Borax with 1/4 cup of warm water.  Stir until the Borax is dissolved.
  4. Pour the Borax water into the glue mixture.
  5. Now stir, stir, stir!  The more you stir, the firmer it will get!    
This is a messy project, so be sure to prepare your work space!  There's lots of chemistry behind this activity, so this is also a good learning experience for the kids.  Have them research why the gak is firmer the more you play with it and thinner when you let it sit.   
The gak will last quite a while stored in a ziploc bag, just make sure it's closed tight when you put it away for the night! 

Field Trip Idea: Student Art Exhibits at the Library

The Montgomery County Library is hosting Student Art Exhibits showcasing the works of Conroe ISD students in grades K-12. The  South Library (Lake Robbins Dr) is a participant, and I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped by the facility on Monday evening and was able to view about 50 awesome art pieces created by local students. These student artists are Talented (with a capital "T")! Here's how I plan to turn this into a field trip for my little ones:

Books We Love - Kindergarten

Many students begin to read in kindergarten (even just a little). Spend time celebrating what your child has learned, and enjoy reading together every day!


  • Spend FUN reading time together every day. Don’t focus on teaching and practicing reading – enjoy books and stories together.
  • Read to your child every day – even after they start reading. Invite them to join in.
  • Read books over and over – and even if she picks the same book AGAIN, it’s good for her!
  • Let your child pick the books. They will stay interested and learn a lot.
  • When it’s not fun or there are distractions, take a break. Keep reading enjoyable for everyone.

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
Marisol finds a new way to paint the “sky” when she finds out she doesn’t have any more blue paint.

Autumn Sunday Dinner: Chicken Gnocchi Soup

This lovely fall menu and recipe submitted back in 2014 by Jenni Fisher has been a true delight in our homes for many years! We're bringing this feature to the forefront again so your family will enjoy Jenni's Chicken Gnocchi Soup this season!

- Chicken Gnocchi Soup
- Spinach Salad with Strawberries, Almonds
- Feta Crusty Bread

Books We Love - 1st Grade

First graders start reading, and before long they can read almost anything! Don’t forget to take time to read to your child and enjoy your favorite books over and over.


  •          Even though your first grader can read, keep reading to her regularly.
  •          Give your child lots of opportunities to read to you.
  •          Take a book with you wherever you go, and enjoy books in the car.
  •          Reread books often and talk about the books together.
  •          Always remember to keep reading fun, never frustrating. 

Olivia by Ian Falconer
Olivia is a pig who is good at many things like singing, dancing, and scaring her brother! She is a funny pig! Check out all the Olivia books in you like this one.

5 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome His Fear of the Dark

Do you have a child who's afraid of the dark? Here's some advice for getting a peaceful night's sleep for the both of you:

Have the patience to deal with your kid's fear. After a long, busy day, it can be frustrating to try to coax a child to sleep so you can go to sleep yourself. Be mindful that your child needs your comfort and protection more than anything – and easing them through irrational fear is a step-by-step process. One night you’ll seem to have it all figured out. Days later you might be back to where you started (with your child clinging to you or standing at your door). Be patient.

Super Easy "Hot Lunch" Menu Ideas

grilled cheese
Summer lunches need to be quick, delicious, varied, and easy to prepare. Cold cuts are a definite winner, but try to throw in a hot meal a couple of times a week. When you're out of ideas, choose from our list:

·         Fried or grilled chicken tenders with mixed veggies

·         English Muffin mini pizzas

·         Chunky chicken noodle soup with crackers

·         Macaroni and cheese with cut-up hot dogs

·         Grilled sandwiches with chips

·         Sloppy Joes

·         Brown rice with meatballs and gravy

·         Cheese quesadillas

·         Spaghetti with meatballs

·         Pot pies (made from frozen)

·         Turkey dogs with fruit salad

·         Stuffed baked potatoes

·         Noodles with butter and salt

·         Grilled chicken Caesar salad

·         Fish sticks with sweet potato fries

·         Roast beef and cheddar roll-ups

·         Grilled cheese sandwiches

·         Sliced turkey with cornbread stuffing

Your child needs a "Waiting Bag". Here's what to put in it:

It's inevitable. There will be times (plenty times) that the kiddos will have to just... wait quietly. Whether you're out for an oil change or needing to kill time before a playdate, being prepared is never a bad idea. Here are our picks for your Waiting Bag. These simple items can really save the day!

  • Age-appropriate flash cards (colors, shapes, phonics, multiplication…)
  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Notebook with blank paper
  • Pencils and pens
  • Electronic games / tablet / iPad
  • Books
  • Child-friendly magazines
  • Puzzle books (mazes, crossword puzzles, etc.)
  • Hand-held puzzles (Rubik's cubes, etc.)
  • Stickers / Sticker books
  • Snacks- grapes, berries, crackers... 
  • Water bottle and/or juice box
  • Baby wipes / Kleenex
  • Homework / Schoolwork