
5 Easy Birthday Party Themes for your Teen

Check out these 5 easy themes for your teenager's next birthday bash: 

Murder Mystery Party:  A unique  choice for a boy/girl party.  Many websites offer ready-made, age-appropriate murder mysteries specifically for teens. This type of party provides a great opportunity for creative teens to get dressed up and utilize their natural tendency for drama.  Look for a mystery which includes a basic story line, not a script.  Teens won’t want to have to learn lines.  Also, be sure to incorporate a meal or fancy snacks with the production.  This draws out the players and provides more time for mystery solving.

Mall Rats:  A good party choice for younger teens. Consider dropping the kids at a local mall, and add a scavenger hunt element.  Send small teams of party goers off with a camera phone and a list of standard mall items to document (a red sweater, a cookie, shopping bag from a specific store, etc.).  For a twist on the standard party goodie bag, award mall gift cards to the first team to arrive at a designated finish line, with smaller gift cards to the runners up.

Beach Bums:  Many teens enjoy a casual beach or pool party.  This might be a good option if you are allowing a co-ed party—easy to keep an eye on the festivities when they are in your own backyard!  Add some inexpensive beach balls, tropical flower leis, and beach-themed snacks (grilled hotdogs, fruit skewers, cupcakes) for a classic social-centered gathering.  


Shelter Party:  Why not let homeless critters benefit from your teen’s birthday?  Rather than creating an elaborate spread at your house, schedule some volunteer time at a local animal shelter.  Instead of birthday gifts, instruct guests to bring a pet item or monetary donation for the specified shelter.   Spend party time cuddling kittens or cleaning cages.   Your shelter can assist you by recommending a wish list and coordinating other volunteer needs.  This party is likely to have a long-term impact on your teen’s outlook on community service as well.


Survivor Party:  For those with a strong connection to the long-running reality show, stage your own deserted island experience.  Arrange three or four island challenges like rustic obstacle courses, a gross food contest or a memory game of high school highlights.  A grand finale could include an immunity challenge for a prize package.  Or a car, depending upon your budget.  Tailor the activity to your teen’s interests and preferences.  Encourage guests to dress in castaway attire.  No, you don’t need to serve your teen and her friends BBQ rats, but consider offering sushi on rice, fresh tropical fruit and coconut milk.