
Switch up breakfast / lunch with this Easy Brunch Quiche

It’s time to add something new to your table! With a range of ingredients from broccoli to bacon, this easy quiche that features bacon (YES!), broccoli, and mushrooms is a brunch hero. While baking, the cheese gets all melty, and with every bite, the mushrooms add texture and earthy flavor. The ingredients combine together to make something warm, hearty and delicious.


Quiche recipes and generally simple and fun to make, and we love how quickly this one comes together. The frozen broccoli & cheese shortcut is genius!

Find more brunch recipes and cooking ideas at Culinary.net.

Easy Brunch Quiche

Serves: 12

1          package (10 ounces) frozen broccoli with cheese

12        slices bacon, chopped

1/2       cup green onions, sliced

1          cup mushrooms, sliced

4          eggs

1          cup milk

1 1/2    cups shredded cheese, divided

2          frozen deep dish pie shells (9 inches each)

  • Heat oven to 350 F.
  • In medium bowl, add broccoli and cheese contents from package. Microwave 5 minutes, or until cheese is saucy. Set aside.
  • In skillet, cook chopped bacon 4 minutes. Add green onions; cook 2 minutes. Add mushrooms; cook 4 minutes, or until bacon is completely cooked and mushrooms are tender. Drain onto paper towel over plate. Set aside.
  • In medium bowl, whisk eggs and milk until combined. Add broccoli and cheese mixture. Add 1 cup cheese. Stir to combine. Set aside.
  • In pie shells, divide drained bacon mixture evenly. Divide broccoli mixture evenly and pour over bacon mixture. Sprinkle remaining cheese over both pies.
  • Bake 40 minutes.
  • Allow to cool at least 12 minutes before serving.

Note: To keep edges of crust from burning, place aluminum foil over pies for first 20 minutes of cook time. Remove after 20 minutes and allow to cook uncovered until completed.

Strike up the convo – Here are 5 Mommy-Friendly tips to help you meet other moms

Some women are natural conversation starters, and some of us need more help. If you want to know how to make small talk with strangers,  WoodlandsMommy.com has some tips for you! Here are 5 mommy-friendly ways to strike up a great conversation with just about anybody, whether you're super shy or bursting with confidence.

Conversation Tip # 1: Introduce Yourself.
This is one of the simplest ways to strike up a conversation. Be straightforward yet friendly. Walk up to the person with a smile and introduce yourself. Relax and let everything else follow. This strategy works even for those who are not as confident as others. Just make sure you know what to say next before making your move. For example, once the person introduces himself or herself back, you can ask them a question like "So how do you know the birthday boy?" or “How long has your daughter been dancing here?”

Fun Friday Night Dinners they'll love

fun friday dinner
Ahhh, you've made it through another week! Here are some super easy meals to please your family when you're too tired (or too broke) to go out to eat but you don't feel like cooking. You don't eat these items everyday, so they will be treats for your family. Enjoy!

UNFORGETTABLE homemade cinnamon rolls

I expected to be on a month's-long journey of trial and error to find an amazing recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls. Would you believe the first recipe I found was the one that  knocked my socks off?

Man, these are so doggone good! They're also simple to make and don't require many ingredients. In fact, the only ingredient I didn't already have at home was the bread flour. 

AmbitiousKitchen.com calls these "The Best Cinnamon Rolls You'll Ever Eat". So how could I NOT start here? So glad I did! The rolls turned out sweet, moist, and delicious!

Visit the website for the recipe and the author's expert tips, but first, here are my own tips:

1. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a stand mixer. I have only a handheld mixer, but I didn't even use that. My 7-year-old and I used our bare hands to thoroughly knead the dough, and I can't imagine that it could have turned out any better.

2. The recipe for the icing calls for unsalted butter. Next time I make these,  I'll use half unsalted and half salted butter. The icing was delicious, but the flavor should be brought out just a tad more. This simple change will do the trick!

3. Start early. I like popping pre-made cinnamon rolls and cookie dough in the oven on a whim. Homemade is a whole new ballgame. It'll take you several hours start to finish to make these rolls, especially if you'll have a young child helping like I did. Plan ahead, and give the dough time to fully rise both times.

These mouthwatering, fluffy rolls are totally worth it!

Here are mine, ready for the oven:



Make these paper flowers to brighten your home for spring!

happy spring craft
“Let’s make paper flower bouquets!” I said to my kiddos as I walked through the house shutting off electronic devices. Nobody was in the mood to do crafts, but I threw us all into it, and it worked!

A handful of art supplies is sometimes all that’s needed to bring the family together. I had already pulled out the construction paper, card stock, scissors, glue, and this heart-shaped hole punch I found on Amazon [ad]. In the end, the whole family (including Dad) enjoyed a creative art session that lasted several hours in the kitchen. Hours after most of us were finished, my teen and pre-teen continued to work, determined to bring their visions to life.

happy spring craft1happy spring craft2happy spring craft3

Here’s how you can organize a paper flower creating session for you crew:

1 - Pull out the art supplies you already have on hand - colorful paper, crayons / markers, glue or tape, etc. If you want strong, sturdy flowers, consider buying card stock. We also found it useful to emply a hot glue gun from time to time.

2 - Find a backdrop for your artwork. You can use the side of an old corrugated box or even a cereal box. I happened to have some of these black chipboard sheets I found on Amazon [ad] leftover from a previous project. They’re rigid and sturdy, and the black color allows the colors of the flowers to pop.

3. Find inspiration online. I googled “paper flower bouquets” and found all sorts of images. You may be able to find a template, but I showed my girls some photo examples and we used our creative license to figure it out ourselves. We cut out and folded trapezoidal shapes to serve as vases.

spring flowers

4. Make easels so your creations can stand up. There are tried-and-true methods for easel-making, but I used a single sheet of card stock folded in thirds, taped, then hot glued to the back of each art piece. It doesn’t look good, but it works, and nobody will see the easels anyway.

5. Display for all to enjoy!

Shake up your mornings with these Frothy Banana Shakes

frothy banana shaker
Some mornings can be such a drag! On those days, it looks like everyone is exhausted and moving slow (especially the kids), getting ready seems like a big chore, and making a wholesome and hearty breakfast feels nearly impossible.

You look at the clock, and, minute by minute you’re running even more behind. There is no time for a big breakfast with syrups and jams. You’re in a pinch and you need something fast, nutritious, and filling for you and your loved ones.

Freshen up your morning with this Frothy Banana Shake, which is a simple and perfect on-the-go breakfast option. It’s healthy with fresh bananas, sweet with a hint of vanilla and frothy with blended dairy products.

Is Your Trampoline Safe Enough?

trampoline safetyr
Big backyard? Extra money? Bored or inactive kids? That’s the perfect recipe for buying a new trampoline! While there’s no doubt trampolines are fun for children and adults, did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of home trampolines?

There were approximately 300,000 medically treated trampoline injuries in 2018, and that number is on the rise due to the trampoline's heightened popularity in recent years. If you are considering buying one, or if you've already made the purchase, read this injury and safety information before your family's next "backyard" evening.

Is it okay to have a baby shower for a second (or third) pregnancy?


Ah, etiquette. We all want to tiptoe within its bounds and avoid ticking off our closest friends and family when major life events roll around - like your new baby.

And yet, so often in modern life, it seems like the old ways don't always cover the new realities.  Things really were simpler back when the rules were drawn up!

So, how to navigate the do's and don'ts when you're preggers again ... and again? After all, it's probably safe to assume that this baby rocks your world just as much as your first did.

So is a second (or third) shower okay, or will you be viewed as an opportunistic gift grabber? Is there any sneaky way around the horns of this dilemma - or must you throw in the baby towel, pass on the shower, and just order out for pizza instead, skip the anchovies? Read on for the answers!

ScreenTime = Learning Time with these 40 Free Educational Websites

It's the weekend or a school holiday, and you're desperately seeking an easy game plan for the kids to keep learning ("somewhat"). Check out this listing of free educational websites for kids that we found online at FromABCsToACTS.com. Having your child learn via one of these educational online resources for an hour a day will be fun for them and will buy you some time to give yourself a facial, paint your toenails (because, after all, spring is here!), and prep for tonight's dinner. Enjoy!

Winter weather is here! Make these snowflakes this week!

make snowflakes
Snow?? We're excited... and a bit nervous, to tell the truth. What will we do with the kids this week? There's no school on Monday and Tuesday because of this freak winter storm, and we're wondering if the situation will look any better later in the week. The best news is that we're getting snow, and with that comes a longing desire to make cute snowflake crafts. (Hey, it's a perfect way to keep little minds occupied.)

Here are a few links to fun snowflakes to make this week. 

Celebrate the Year of the Ox!


It's the Year of the Ox! I just stocked up on Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken, and I'll be decorating the house with red and gold balloons this Friday! It's Chinese New Year (also called Lunar New Year or Spring Festival), one of my favorite holidays to celebrate! Here's how your family can celebrate, too: