
Games to Play to Pass the Travel Time Away

road trip games
It's that time of year!  Spring Break is right around the corner and most likely you'll be in the car or on a plane with your family and will need a few things to do to help the time go by.  Once all the snacks are eaten, books are read and movies are watched why not start up an old fashioned family car game?
Here are a few of our favorite ways to pass the time behind the wheel or in the air: 

The Year of the Picnic!

My family takes advantage of picnicking in The Woodlands as often as possible, but our picnics are almost always the same. But not anymore! I found this gem of a book -
A Year of Picnics - at one of the libraries in Harris County, and the author has planned 20 different themed picnics for us to sink our teeth into. It's really getting my creative juices flowing! I can't wait to implement some of these ideas along with many of my own. Each picnic idea includes a menu, packing listing, and suggested activities. While a "Breakfast Picnic" might include playing games like hide and seek, walking along a creek, or eating homemade biscuits and jam, a Bird-Watching picnic might implore you to pack binoculars and a birding field guide plus a lunch that includes pickled eggs and birdseed cookies.

Sandwich. Chips. Fresh fruit. Sitting on a blanket for a while and then watching the kiddos run off to enjoy the playground. Almost always at our favorite park. Nah, those picnics are a thing of the past for us! The year 2021 will be my year to step up the picnic game. Here are some ways we can pull it off.
Change the setting:
- Picnic at different parks with various features (over 100 in The Woodlands!)
- Use interesting blankets / quilts / table coverings, and switch them out so each picnic has a different feel
- Go picnicking at various times of day to enjoy differing types of crowd, lighting, and weather conditions
- Vary the picnic style - tent, canopy, grass, table... 
Make food the star:
- Put TLC into the menu-planning and try out new recipes to keep the meals interesting
- Don't forget about specialty drinks - like chai tea or homemade raspberry lemonade.
- Use pretty food wraps and containers - presentation is everything!
Be active and engaged:
- Vary picnic activities with movement such as running, taking a walk, flying a kite, hula hooping,  kicking a ball in an open field
- Bring along books - coloring books, joke books, storybooks, poetry books, the Bible
- Enjoy other activities such as card games, charades, Twenty Questions, building with clay
Add special elements:
- Bring along a bluetooth speaker and a playlist of great theme-appropriate songs
- Bring candles and a lighter for evening, romance-inspired picnics
- Invest in a face painting kit and surprise your child with a personal face-painting session 
- Blow up balloons, bring a bubble machine

Get a room!

Do you have a  room of your own? A room that's yours and only yours? Most moms don't. But if you're running around taking care of everyone else all day, it makes sense to have your own place of refuge to relax, recuperate, and to just "be". 

Is there a spare room in your house, a guest room perhaps, that you can take over from time to time? It doesn't have to be big. And guess what? It doesn't even have to be a room. It can be a comfortable chair, a desk, or some corner of a room that you've laid claim to and that everyone else knows to leave alone (and to leave YOU alone when you're in the space, unless they've been invited). 
I love what one of my good friends did. She commandeered the playroom from her two young kids and made it her own mommy space. Chances are it’ll be for just a short season, but a wonderful season indeed!

When you need to recharge or relax, having your own room might prove more valuable than you can imagine. Hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign and use your room to:

School Lunches to be proud of!

Magazine-worthy school lunches. That's what we all want for our kiddos, right? It's actually not so hard to kick the PB&J to the curb when you have fingertip access to the WoodlandsMommy.com "School Lunches" Pinterest board! Your kids will never want to go through the lunch line again! CLICK HERE to view our curated ideas on Pinterest, including this cute lunch box put together by Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons.  *Editor's Tip: We love sending out kid lunches to school and the park in these durable and stylish
Bento Boxes [ad]. 

6 Tips for Starting the School Year Off Right

Cool backpack? Check! Fancy water bottle? Check! Cute, comfy kicks? Check! Seems you've gotten all the fun stuff kids care about, but as they head back to school, it’s also important to provide them with the necessary resources to succeed. As a parent, you can take steps to put your kids on the path toward a successful school year. 

To help your children put the best foot forward, consider these suggestions from The Salvation Army, which operates hundreds of low-cost after-school programs for kids of all ages in low-income neighborhoods across the country and understands the importance of setting children up for success all year. 

5 Ways to Get your "Mommy Groove" back!


Feeling stuck in a rut? Yeah, summer break can do that to us sometimes. I mean, why take the time to “pretty up” our hair when we’re in the pool almost EVERY day? And don’t worry that we’ve put on those few extra pounds – summer is the season for ice cream dessert every day of the week, right? And if you’re like me, you’ve gotten over the hopes of having friends over. With my 4 girls, we're living in a soror house – with tents, blankets, balloons, and stuffed animals every where I turn (not to mention the dirty kitchen. We really do snack ALL day!)

White flag away! Summer Break will NOT defeat us! We’ve decided that if we’re going to clean up our act and get our Mommy Groove back, all it takes is a little determination, and this list:

What to do When a Child is Diagnosed with Special Needs

altParents often struggle with what to do when they learn their child has received a special needs diagnosis. To help parents improve the quality of life for their children with autism, dyslexia, ADHD and other learning disabilities, we've assembled these helpful tips!

1. Make an appointment with your child's teacher. A simple phone call, email, or even a note may work wonders.

Jot down a list of detailed questions to gather information about your child's academic weaknesses and ask about any social or emotional problems and the teacher's observations of any physical clues that there may be a problem. Ask the teacher if she feels your child could benefit from an independent education program or any special needs classes.

5 Ways to Earn Money in 2020

Feeling broke now that Christmas has come and gone? Here are some easy ways to pad your pockets in 2020! 
1-Out with the old! Of course, there are many ways to donate your hand-me-downs, but there’s no shame in actually selling them if you’re in need of some cash. Consider listing for sale (I use Facebook groups like The Woodlands Bazaar and Beg, Barter, Buy, and Sell)  things like gently used toys, designer purses, winter coats, dressy dresses, and furniture pieces.  

2-Take on a part-time job. Lots of retailers are hiring part time this season, and often times, you can have a flexible schedule. Tag team with your husband when he gets home from work, and go spend a few hours each evening at a $10 per hour job with an employee discount to boot. 

3-Offer your babysitting services to friends and family in exchange for cash. Reliable child care options are golden during the new year and beyond. You can even consider regularly hosting a fee-based themed “camp” evening for a handful of your friends. Provide crafts, activities, and dinner for the little ones while mom and dad get a night out.

Explore the Excitement at Palava Family Entertainment Center

altCould your kids spend hours burning off that summer energy? Looking for a unique location for a play date? Maybe a place where the entire family can spend a full afternoon? Check out Palava Family Entertainment Center & Party Center in Spring!

Large Family Gift-Giving

Do you find yourself spending way more money than you want to spend on Christmas gifts for the “larger” families in your life? I always overspend my budget when shopping for my sisters and their families, because they all have multiple kiddos, plus I like to get presents for the grown-ups too. This year, I’m going with (1) family “have fun” baskets, (2) family memberships, and (3) restaurant gift cards, gifts that everyone will dig. I look forward to saving money on individual gifts.

Discipline Your Child with Time IN

Sure you’ve heard of Time Out, but have you heard of Time In? It’s a positive disciplinary tool that started making its rounds throughout the parenting world less than a decade ago. Unlike the traditional Time Out method, Time In does not send the child away, off to some lonely, dusty corner of the room or some remote area of civilization! In fact, studies have shown that the old-style Time Out technique can leave a child feeling abandoned and rejected, and often confused. If you give this idea some thought, you might find it easy to draw this same conclusion.  That’s why I was excited to learn about Time IN -  a good alternative to Time Out. Here’s the gist: