
Ride Share from The Woodlands - (Newbies, learn how to take an Uber!)

Not long ago, I took an Uber for the first time, and in case you’ve never taken one but are curious about the process, here’s the skinny! My husband travels often for work, and he has only used Lyft, so Uber was a new experience for us.

The night before my ride, I downloaded the Uber app on my iPhone and set it to utilize my location. Then I typed in my destination and the ride costs displayed. It was as simple as that! I was going to Houston’s Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) Terminal C, and my ride was approximately $48. (More on that later.)

Top 7 Back-To-School Tips for Moms

morning kitchen and dining room breakfast mom helps her daughter get ready for school she puts her t20 kLAnl4
Kids aren't the only ones who struggle with the back-to-school transition. Adjusting to a child's back-to-school routine and related events can be stressful and taxing for parents as well. Below are some tips to help you overcome the back-to-school blues.

12 Back to School Gifts for Kids (that you still have time to get!)

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It's the beginning of the school year! They've got the brand new kicks, the new fits, and all the school supplies from the list. Oh, and fresh haircuts for the boys and curls for the girls, of course! Now what? All that's left is for you, mom, to find them the perfect gift for back to school.

If BTS gift-giving isn't already a thing that you do every August, here are 3 reasons to begin the tradition this year:

21 Back-To-School Movies that The Whole Family Will Enjoy

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The dog days of summer are coming to an end, and chances are your family vacations, summer camps, and other activities have already winded down. Now comes the end-of-the-summer lull, or as some would call it, the calm before the storm. If you're sitting at home trying to figure out how to keep these last couple of weeks interesting for everyone, here are 21 back-to-school movies we recommend watching together as a family before the school bell rings.

23 Encouraging & Fun Books to get your child excited for Kindergarten

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Hurray for your family on a successful season! Summer vacation is just about over, but excitement is still in the air! Unfortunately, so is nervousness, separation anxiety, and tons of questions for your little one who's going off to Kindergarten this fall.

The experts say that one of the most successful ways to approach this big milestone and help ease the first day jitters is to read picture books -- specially ones that tell about all the fun things the BIG FIRST DAY has in store --- meeting new friends and a new teacher, getting acquainted in a new classroom, visiting a lunchroom, and more. 

See our list below for some of the best "Getting ready for Kindergarten" and "First Day of School" books on the market!

This is what happens with Woodlands families sit down together for meals

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According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Americans face a lack of social connection that poses a significant risk to individual health and longevity. “Loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% and 29%, respectively. More broadly, lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day,” per the report.

One way to address this epidemic of loneliness is by sharing a meal with friends and family. Learn five of the specific advantages of family meals identified by the Family Meals Movement and take advantage of these benefits during National Family Meals Month this September by sharing one more meal together each week.

30 Indoor, Non-Screen Activities for Older Kids To Enjoy

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Are you too busy or too uninspired to occupy the kids, but you’re tired of seeing them on their electronic devices? I got you! Choose from these activities that your child can do independently this summer.

  1. Build a fort, tent, or nook for book-reading. Equip the space with a comfy pillow, a reading lamp, and a glass of iced tea. Maybe throw in a plushie (you know, if they’re not “too old” for that kind of thing).
  2. Color in a coloring book. Whether your child needs to destress or simply escape boredom, this makes for a rewarding activity! Coloring books have come a long way, and even teens and adults can enjoy being creative as they carefully color sheets with intricate designs and patterns.

Save the day with tender, buttery Pecan Shortbread Cookies!

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Delicious! If you’re looking for an easy recipe that doesn’t include eggs, you’re in luck! Shortbread cookies are an easy, not-too-sweet favorite, and you probably already have the ingredients in your pantry. They taste just as good in the summertime as they do during the Christmas season.

Whenever I think of these Scottish cookies, I think of how I used to love the Girl Scout shortbreads! The cookie yielded from this recipe is even better than those. They’re buttery, not too thick, and they are a beautiful blonde color with a hint of brown around the edges, giving them the perfect crisp.

Once the dough is made, you’ll want to chill it in the refrigerator for about an hour so they can hold their shape in the oven, so plan to make these in 2 stages.

Your Child Can Behave at the restaurant with this Game!

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Do you have a little one who can't seem to sit still when you're out to eat? If this is the case then you'll, love the "The Manager is Watching" technique. When children are little they seem to enjoy pushing the limits. They quickly understand how far they can go before mommy or daddy will get serious. This is why it's important to already have a discipline plan in place before heading out in public.

11 Boredom Buster Ideas for Savvy Moms

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My kids rarely say "I'm bored!" anymore, but those times when they're piddling around the house or following me from room to room, seemingly anxious for something stimulating to do, that's when I know it's time to reach into my bag of tricks and help them create some magic. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being bored, because I don't. Boredom is often how the best ideas are born. However, sometimes we all need a little help getting busy and inspired. Here are some boredom buster ideas that are easy to implement:

Summer Weekdays are better with Milk & Honey Baths

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Milk & honey bath. Ahh, just the sound of the words relieves the seemingly ever-increasing tension in my neck. If you're thinking that you want to have an ultimate spa night, then a milk and honey bath it is, and here's the skinny on exactly how to make this self-indulgent treat with just a few ingredients.