
Spring Cleaning - 10 Ways to Make it FUN!!

spring cleaning woodlandsmommy
Ahh, spring... sunshine and flowers and rainy days! And Spring Cleaning, of course! It's the ideal season for deep-cleaning your home, storing away your winter wardrobe, washing the draperies, dusting the shutters and baseboards, and buying new little whatnots from Home Goods to brighten each room of your humble abode.

Not really feeling the excitement? Here are some ideas to put some spring in your step and make chore time a fun time for you and any family members who wish to help! (As an Amazon Affiliate, this website earns commissions for qualifying purchases.)

Your Family's FESTIVE Cinco de Mayo Celebration!

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Are you having a fiesta for Cinco de Mayo? I always intend on doing something really fun for the holiday, and then it comes and goes so quickly that I forget! This year, I’ve begun planning early. I see bright colors, Mexican food and music, hat-making and more in my future. Are you interested in doing something fun and cultural for your family for Cinco de Mayo too? Whether it’s an evening time dinner celebration or an all-day extravaganza, these are some ideas to help you pull it off. (*I might make a commission from qualified purchases you make using my included Amazon links.)

Costumes & Decor

Colors of the Mexican flag (red, green, and white) are smart choices for your décor and costumes, and special outfits and accessories will make your party a hit. Don't purchase any special attire; rather, creatively arrange an ensemble from the pieces you already own.

If you absolutely must buy something new to wear, consider one of these colorful embroidered tunics(Amazon link) that are cute enough to wear any day of the year!

mexican tunics

7 Painless Ways to Reach 10,000 Steps a Day

Woodlands-area moms are counting steps, especially this time of year. If you came up with a list of New Years’ Resolutions for 2024, one of them is probably getting fitter and/or leading a healthier lifestyle. A common goal for the moms we’ve chatted with is to improve their fitness by walking 10,000 steps a day.

Of course, achieving a whopping 10,000 steps each and every day (until the end of the year, mind you!) is much easier said than done. Here are a few painless and possible ways to reach the daily milestone before the clock strikes midnight!

1. Use phone time as walking time. The next time you’re on the phone with a friend, instead of chillaxing while you shoot the breeze, use that moment as an opportunity to get in some steps. If you’re one of those people that can talk on the phone for hours at a time, you’ll have no problem quickly getting several thousand steps, and without thinking much of it.

2. Park further than usual. You’ve probably heard this time and time again, but only because it’s a useful tip to help to attain that step goal. Next time you hit the mall, instead of circling the parking lot fifty times to find that premium spot, take a breath and settle for the space at the very back. It takes a shorter amount of time to park further and walk to the front than it does to wait five minutes for a closer spot; plus, you’ll be adding to your step count for the day. How lovely!

3. Take a daily walk. One of the best ways to get more steps is to go on a walk or jog, and fresh air has proven to be good for enhancing health. It doesn’t matter if you walk for a couple of miles or only down the neighborhood block and back. Every step counts, so hop off the sofa and take your legs for an exercise. If the chilly weather is scaring you away, check out our article Seven Tips to Enjoying the Outdoors (Even Though It’s Cold) to calm your nerves about the cold.

4. Treat yourself. 10,000 steps in one day is a pretty big feat, let alone achieving that every day of week. It can be easy to get defeated with a goal such as this one, which is why it’s important to treat yourself from time-to-time. Find something that you enjoy, whether it’s a favorite dessert or a movie you’ve been wanting to see, and reserve it as a reward for if you accomplished your step goal every day that week. Having an end-of-the-week treat can serve as motivation, making the whole process less monotonous.

5. Create a daily schedule. This is one of the less fun options on the list, but having a daily schedule might keep you on track with your goal. Not a planning type of person? The good thing about this idea is that you only have to make the schedule once. Your schedule might look something like this: by 11:00, I’ll have 3,000 steps done; by 3:00, I’ll have finished 4,000 steps; by 9:00, I'll have gotten the last 3,000 in. Deciding on a simple agenda like this one gives you a plan and accountability, both useful tools to accomplishing any goal.

6. Decrease your step goal. A daily step goal can be a valuable objective to have, but if your mission is to be healthier, you don’t necessarily need 10,000 steps to get there. You might want to shoot for half of that amount first. 5,000 steps a day is still a healthy, and easier, goal to pursue. As time goes on, and you get into the habit of taking just 5,000 steps a day, increase your goal by one thousand steps each week until you get to the big 10,000.

7. One last suggestion… Hopefully, the previous tips are useful enough to get you cranking out those steps, but if all else fails, you can try this last one. Fasten a modest-sized slice of chocolate cake to the hook of a fishing pole, and attach the pole to your forehead, suspending the chocolate cake right in front of you (but at least an arms-length away.) P.S. If you suspect that you’ll use this tip, get your supplies from Academy ASAP, as they’ve reported a steep shortage on fishing poles.

Here's how to stuff their 2024 Easter basket!

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Ah! Not sure what to give the kids for Easter? Use the ideas below to give perfect baskets filled with items you can pick up during a quick trip to the supermarket.

IMPORTANT: Heed these 6 tips for decorating Easter eggs!

easter eggs
Easter is about traditions, both old and new, as well as celebrating family and creating lifelong memories. In fact, nearly 8 out of 10 Americans will celebrate the holiday this year, according to the National Retail Federation, which often includes egg decorating amongst the fun.

Decorating eggs for Easter is a tradition that dates back to the 13th century. Eggs were once viewed as a forbidden food to some religious entities, so people would paint or decorate them to highlight the end of penance and fasting.

10 Interesting Kid-Pleasing Meal Ideas for Spring Break Lunches

child making pizza

Spring Break is all about FUN, and that includes the food you’re serving up at the lunch hour! With the kids at home on school break, they’ll delight in meals that are delicious, colorful, and maybe not-too-healthy!

Here are some menu ideas for every day of your Spring Break. Make mealtime extra special by having a picnic in the backyard or at your favorite Woodlands-area park.

DIY Easter photo tips for the Budget-Minded Mom

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No photographer for your child’s Easter photos this year? No problem – just do it yourself! And hop to it! Whether you’ll be capturing shots with your digital SLR camera or your smart phone, following these tips can help your Easter photos turn out beautifully.

Download our Spring Cleaning Checklist!

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Need some motivation to get started with cleaning your home? Sometimes, the right checklist is just the trick! We tried to be as thorough as possible when drafting this checklist for our Spring Cleaning. So - even if you hire a weekly housekeeper, you'll see that there's still PLENTY left for you to do after the basic routine cleaning takes place. By the time you check off all items on this list, your home will be squeaky clean, old stuff will be donated or thrown out, and even broken items will be repaired. Stick with it! Having a clean living space is its own reward!


25 Fun things to do locally for Spring Break 2024

That's right - SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST HERE! This year, Spring Break is March 11-15 for Woodland-area schools and most other local districts. There's no shortage of things to do in the area, and here are our Top 25 ideas to get you started:

11 Delightful Ideas for your Spring Break Staycation 2024

spring break staycation
You don’t have to travel far to have a fabulous time! Keep reading for some fresh ideas for your family's 2024 Spring Break Staycation!

Black History Month - Picture Books for your little learner

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February is Black History Month! If your child’s library isn’t already brimming with adorable picture books that feature diverse characters, this is a great month to start! Here are a handful of picture books we know and love!