
Six Signs Your Baby is Teething and How to Help

baby teething
Ah, your little one is teething! This common milestone can begin as early as 3 months and last until your child is about 3 years old. If your baby is in this age range and you’re noticing any of the following signs, they may be getting some new teeth! (And YOU might be getting less rest, at least for a little while!)

  1. Drooling – Excessive drooling can often be one of the first signs of teething, though not always. Be mindful that drool may cause a rash around your baby’s mouth or chin.

  2. Chewing on Objects – Whether it’s a pacifier, their hands, or anything else they can grab, your baby might chew or bite to find relief from the discomfort of teething.

  3. Low-grade Fever – A mild fever can sometimes accompany teething.

  4. Crying and Whining – If your baby is fed, changed, and in a comfortable environment but still fussing, it might be due to the discomfort of emerging teeth.

  5. Irritability and Sleep Disruptions – Teething can make it hard for babies to sleep, as the pain may cause them to wake more frequently or feel restless.

  6. Ear Pulling – As it turns out, the nerves in your baby’s gums are connected to those in the ears, so teething pain can lead to them tugging on their ears or cheeks.

How to Soothe Your Teething Baby:

  • Teething Rings – We recommend firm, textured teething rings that offer counterpressure on your baby’s gums. When my babies were young, I found that that cold teething rings or chilled food was helpful for numbing the gums.

  • Gentle Massage – Use a clean finger to gently massage your baby’s gums, which may provide relief.

  • Teething Gel – Over-the-counter teething gels designed for infants can offer some temporary comfort.

  • Comforting Actions – While it won’t cure the pain, nursing, singing, or rocking your baby can help comfort them during tough moments.

  • Pain Relief – Check with your pediatrician about giving a small dose of infant pain reliever, like Tylenol, or consider homeopathic teething tablets as a possible option. For my own babies' teething years, I used something similar to these these Dr. Talbot's teething tablets that were small and easy to dissolve. I felt like they worked wonders with helping to relieve my fussy little ones! I can't remember the exact brand, but these tablets look similar and the reviews are great!

While teething can be tough, these tips can offer your baby some relief as they go through this important milestone. Cherish this special time in motherhood—it won't last forever!

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