
Self Care Quickies for busy moms (this means YOU)

 self care tips

Are you taking care of yourself? Sometimes, we moms can be quick to take care of everyone and everything around us, but when it comes to ourselves, we're neglectful. Self Care doesn't have to involve long, drawn-out plans. You know, that trip to the spa for a massage, or the coffee date with girlfriends... yeah, give that up! You don't have time for those indulgences EVERY DAY. Instead, focus on the basics.

You might be surprised how much of these to-dos you miss doing every day. But don't worry about the past. Start from this very moment. Or if it's already past your bedtime, start fresh tomorrow!

Let's go. This should be painless. Try to go through this entire list EVERY DAY.

  1. Take a shower.
  2. Comb/brush your hair to make it neat.
  3. Write in a journal.
  4. Brush your teeth 2-3 times and floss.
  5. Get some exercise.
  6. Drink enough water.
  7. Eat fruits and vegetables.
  8. Take your vitamins.
  9. Get an appropriate amount of sleep.
  10. Pray.
  11. Listen to your favorite song.
  12. Get some fresh air.
  13. Do something for someone else (donate an item, call to say "hello", treat someone to coffee...)
  14. Sit still and alone, and just be at peace.