
11 Easy things to do TODAY to feel motivated and refreshed

woman journaling
Happy New Year! Woodlands mommies can do these 11 things TODAY and EVERY day to feel insanely motivated and refreshed!

1. Start the day with positive affirmations or a scripture reading.
Affirmations are short sentences that you often repeat to motivate and inspire you to be the best person that you can be. There is power in positive thinking. If you've ever whispered to yourself on the way to a job interview (or maybe on your way upstairs to wake up the baby) "Girl, you've got this," then you're already familiar with affirmations.

2.Practice meditation or yoga.
Lululemon attire not required. Just wear comfy clothes, lay out a mat or a towel in the living room, and start things off with a tree pose. Namaste.

3. Jam out to your favorite upbeat music.
These days, mine is Sucka by Jonas Bros. What's yours? You can listen to beats while you shower, wash dishes, or do whatever.

4.Add fresh fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water to your diet.
This goes without saying. The better you eat, the better you will feel. Health nut status not necessary. Don't make this complicated, either. Reach for a Cutie instead of candy. Add some lettuce to your sandwich. Small steps count.

5.Get lost in a great book.
If you're unsure of what to read, take suggestions from friends. I prefer self help, but Where the Crawdads Sing was the last fiction novel I read, and it was beautifully written and satisfying.

6. Have a cup of herbal tea in your favorite teacup.
Drinking tea can help you calm your nerves and relax. Green tea, especially, is said to have some health benefits. Experiment with flavors and combinations and find one that you enjoy.

7. Sign up to volunteer, or simply lend a hand to someone.
See my list of 8 Places to Volunteer in The Woodlands. But you don’t have to formally sign up to volunteer in order to be a blessing. Pick up the tab for the person in line behind you at Starbucks. Pull up the neighbor’s garbage can. Offer to babysit for a single mom. Spot your teen while he's bench pressing.

8. Do a bit of housework.
Performing routine chores can be a pick-me-up. Seriously! It helps reduce stress and can improve your mood, plus housework give you something that you can be in control over in the midst of what could be an otherwise chaotic day. The obvious benefit is a tidier house.

9. Take a walk around the block.
Simple. Easy. One foot in the front of the other. A nice, leisure walk around the neighborhood is a chance to enjoy fresh air and greet neighbors, and can help energize you and improve your mood.

10. Write or doodle in a gratitude journal.
Sometimes we don’t realize how fortunate we are until we start counting our blessings. Keep a notebook on your nightstand and jot down things for which you are grateful.

11. Smile.
This isn’t meant to be a cliché. Some people barely crack a smile when they’re out and about, and they might not even realize it. Be intentional about having a warm, welcoming demeanor when you’re around others, and SMILE. People will smile back at you and feel happy to be around you.


Do you have any additions to this list? Visit my Facebook Post here and comment with an activity you do (or want to start doing) to help you feel motivated and refreshed. I'm giving away a Pukka Herbal Organic Tea Sampler box, and I'll be choosing my winner on January 5, 2023  from the comments section of the FB post. Good luck!

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