
5 Easy Tips to help you drink more water throughout the day

lemon water
Is it hard for you to chug down your 8 cups of water each day? (For the record, the actual recommended amount varies, based on age and weight). If you're like me, drinking water throughout the day is no easy feat. I find myself counting down each ounce, and I don't quite make my goal until about 11pm each night. And after birthing 4 kiddos, my bladder isn't as strong as it used to be, so that means getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but that's a different story altogether. Sigh.

Experts say your daily water allowance should be pure water (if only tea and Kool-Aid would count!). Especially with the triple-digit temperatures our summer days often yield, drinking water to help maintain your body's balance of fluids is very important. Dehydration is serious business! But did you also know that drinking water can help to control calories, energize muscles, and keep your skin looking great? There are other benefits too, but I guess one we simply can't overlook is that proper hydration will make your trips to the ladies' room just a bit more comfortable, if you know what I mean. 

If you think you need to be drinking more, below are 5 tips to help you:

I'm getting free Amazon gift cards just for snapping my receipts!

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Here's a photo of my first $10 Amazon gift card that I got TOTALLY FREE just by uploading the receipts I get from my everyday purchases.  When I buy gas, I snap the receipt. Stopping at CFA for a chicken sandwich? I snap the receipt. Just finished buying groceries? You bet, I'm snapping the receipt! It all adds up to free gift cards!

Have you heard of Flex Rewards? Once you download the app to your smartphone, you can immediately start snapping the receipts you get for all your purchases (any reciepts from anywhere) - and those receipts add up quickly to get you points that you can redeem for gift cards to your favorite places. So far, I've claimed several Amazon gift cards, but you can also redeem your points for gift cards to Starbucks, Marshall's, Bath & Body Works, Burger King, The Cheesecake Factory, and several dozen other well-known stores and restaurants. Using Fetch Rewards is free and super easy!

If you haven't started turning your receipts into gift cards, you an sign up with my referral code (5BAN46) and get 2,000 points for your first receipt. Download the app here to get started: https://fetchrewards.onelink.me/vvv3/referralemail?code=5BAN46


The Cutest Gifts for Your Pre-K Graduate!

What a special time! Your little one is graduating! No more shelling out hundreds of dollars for private Pre-K / day care. If there was ever a milestone worthy of celebration, it’s this one! Celebrate your child by gifting him / her a new book from our curated list below. We've included affiliate links for your convenience! 

40 Fabulous Outside-the-Box Summer Fun Ideas

kids fishing
It's a WoodlandsMommy.com Exclusive! Check out our Editor-in-Chief's 40 ideas to make your summer super!

1.Organize a nature scavenger hunt. Create a list of items you might find outside, then head out for a nature scavenger hunt. For little ones, use pictures of birds, flowers, bugs, clouds, etc. and give them a crayon and clipboard to start marking things off as they find them. Older kids will appreciate more of a challenge – locating things such as specific tree types, certain kinds of colored flowers, bugs, etc.

Snag these FUN FINDS from our Spring 2022 Toy Box!

Goody gumdrops! Spring has sprung! Out with the old toys, and in with something else to hold their attention between now and the start of summer. The holiday baubles are long forgotten about, so why not gather them for a trip to Goodwill, and start afresh? Here are some of our picks: [Amazon affiliate links below]

Start a raised bed garden this year!

start a garden
Don't you think it's pretty cool to serve up a salad for your family with the vegetables you picked just minutes ago in your own garden?

Have you ever considered starting a vegetable garden? In recent years, we've seen an increase in the number of moms (yes, modern moms like YOU) turning to their own gardens to grow their own vegetables to save money, eat healthy foods, and live a more holistic lifestyle overall. Some say that gardening is even a stress-reliever (although when I think about the trials of my first-time gardening experience, I'm not so sure I'd agree).

The point is, however, organic gardening is enjoying a level of popularity like never before, and raised gardening seems to be the popular choice. A quick stroll around a few of the backyards in your neighborhood might reveal small board or stone sided rectangles in peoples' backyards housing mini vegetable gardens. That’s called “raised bed” gardening, and it’s actually a GREAT method for breaking into gardening. As with all new hobbies, there are many considerations (and for the record, we are NOT experts on raising vegetables. In fact, we’re still trying to figure out how to raise our kids!), but we wanted to give you some information to get you started.

Have the Best Teen / Tween Meetups at YOUR House!

teen meetups

Kids growing up? Yep, mine too! I now have two teens (16 and 13 years) and a tween (11 years), so lately I’ve had to think carefully about which items we can add to our home to engage their interests while at the same time keeping a playroom of toys for my 8 year old. Of course, if you're one of those fortunate souls with a swimming pool out back, you're already sitting pretty (#justaddpizza). For the rest of you, here’s what I’ve come up with:

25 Fun things to do locally for Spring Break 2022

spring break thewoodlands
That's right - SPRING BREAK IS ALMOST HERE! This year, Spring Break is March 14-18 for The Woodlands schools and most other local districts. There's no shortage of things to do in the area, but here are our Top 25 ideas to get you started:

Groundhog Day is Feb. 2! Here's a super easy treat to make!

Happy Groundhog Day! Make it fun for the kids when you prepare this cute & easy groundhog treat for them, using the tasty ingredients you already have on hand. Older kids can prepare this for younger siblings.

For each snack, you'll need two slices of bread, Nutella spread, 2 banana slices, two raisins, and and two peanut halves, and half a grape. So simple, right?

3 Easy Lifestyle changes for moms in 2022

lifestyle changes
Small changes add up to big results! Here are 3 lifestyle improvements you can start making today that'll improve your well-being in 2022. (We've included Amazon affliate links below for your shopping convenience.)

  1. Drink more water. You’ve heard it said that we need 8 cups a day, but you might need more depending on your age, size, and level of activity. If you’re not already consuming the required amount, techniques such as drinking a cup as soon as your wake up, or carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day, can be helpful. I highly recommend this HidrateSpark Smart Water bottle! I started using these bottles years ago, and they’ve been worth the $50+ dollars they cost. Many of my friends have purchased their own as well and have been pleased with them. The bottle tracks your water intake by syncing via Bluetooth to the app, and it glows to remind you when it’s time to chug.

Happy New Year! Toddler Lesson Plan

happy new year toddler lesson plan

Engage with your little one while celebrating the New Year! This WoodlandsMommy.com-created lesson plan includes craft and activities, songs and fingerplays, storytime, links to coloring pages fun YouTube videos, and more!