
12 Back to School Gifts for Kids (that you still have time to get!)

bts gifts
It's the beginning of the school year! They've got the brand new kicks, the new fits, and all the school supplies from the list. Oh, and fresh haircuts for the boys and curls for the girls, of course! Now what? All that's left is for you, mom, to find them the perfect gift for back to school.

If BTS gift-giving isn't already a thing that you do every August, here are 3 reasons to begin the tradition this year:

21 Back-To-School Movies that The Whole Family Will Enjoy

movies for back to school woodlandsmommy

The dog days of summer are coming to an end, and chances are your family vacations, summer camps, and other activities have already winded down. Now comes the end-of-the-summer lull, or as some would call it, the calm before the storm. If you're sitting at home trying to figure out how to keep these last couple of weeks interesting for everyone, here are 21 back-to-school movies we recommend watching together as a family before the school bell rings.

23 Encouraging & Fun Books to get your child excited for Kindergarten

kindergarten books woodlandsmommy
Hurray for your family on a successful season! Summer vacation is just about over, but excitement is still in the air! Unfortunately, so is nervousness, separation anxiety, and tons of questions for your little one who's going off to Kindergarten this fall.

The experts say that one of the most successful ways to approach this big milestone and help ease the first day jitters is to read picture books -- specially ones that tell about all the fun things the BIG FIRST DAY has in store --- meeting new friends and a new teacher, getting acquainted in a new classroom, visiting a lunchroom, and more. 

See our list below for some of the best "Getting ready for Kindergarten" and "First Day of School" books on the market!

30 Indoor, Non-Screen Activities for Older Kids To Enjoy

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Are you too busy or too uninspired to occupy the kids, but you’re tired of seeing them on their electronic devices? I got you! Choose from these activities that your child can do independently this summer.

  1. Build a fort, tent, or nook for book-reading. Equip the space with a comfy pillow, a reading lamp, and a glass of iced tea. Maybe throw in a plushie (you know, if they’re not “too old” for that kind of thing).
  2. Color in a coloring book. Whether your child needs to destress or simply escape boredom, this makes for a rewarding activity! Coloring books have come a long way, and even teens and adults can enjoy being creative as they carefully color sheets with intricate designs and patterns.

11 Boredom Buster Ideas for Savvy Moms

boredom busters
My kids rarely say "I'm bored!" anymore, but those times when they're piddling around the house or following me from room to room, seemingly anxious for something stimulating to do, that's when I know it's time to reach into my bag of tricks and help them create some magic. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being bored, because I don't. Boredom is often how the best ideas are born. However, sometimes we all need a little help getting busy and inspired. Here are some boredom buster ideas that are easy to implement:

Avoid the Heat! Do these 10 fun summer activities at night

Ha ha ha! You want me to go where? To do what? At what time of day?

Child, please! Summertime is here, and we're in Texas, after all. I do plan to avoid the outdoors as much as possible during the daytime. You too? If so, you'll enjoy this reminder of some fun activities to do with the family after sunset: