It's hurricane season! In The Woodlands, that means lots of rain, fallen trees that often block the roadways, broken tree limbs, flooding, and more. Do you have your basic disaster supply kit on hand? Seriously, what happens if your neighbor's tree falls down and blocks the street, and you can't get to Chick-fil-A to pick up dinner?
It's hurricane season! In The Woodlands, that means lots of rain, fallen trees that often block the roadways, broken tree limbs, flooding, and more. Do you have your basic disaster supply kit on hand? Seriously, what happens if your neighbor's tree falls down and blocks the street, and you can't get to Chick-fil-A to pick up dinner?
The Woodlands Family YMCA is excited to announce the 2nd Annual Summer Race Series for Kids and Teens, will once again be Presented by Texas Children’s Hospital The Woodlands. For more than 18 years, the YMCA has hosted the Annual Kids Triathlon. Due to the popularity of this race, we are providing youth additional opportunities to enjoy the sports of swimming, biking and running. Triple the Fun.
The Woodlands Township recently launched a pilot program to help residents and visitors in navigating the community’s 220 miles of hiking, biking and jogging trails and pathways.
Under the direction of the Board of Directors and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, the Township Parks and Recreation Department has installed 24 QR code signs throughout the Village of Grogan’s Mill. While traversing the pathways, users can use their smartphone to scan the QR code signage, which links to the Parks and Pathways Map, helping to identify their location on the pathway system.
This Mother’s Day weekend, give mom what she really wants: a beautiful family photo. Market Street is providing a lovely photo opportunity in Central Park that will create the perfect memento of her special day throughout Mother’s Day weekend, May 12 – 14, 2023.
Splash into summer at The Woodlands Township’s pre-season pools beginning Saturday, May 13, 2023. Pre-season includes eight weekend pools and one weekday pool through May 25, 2023.
- Pre-season Weekday Pool:
Alden Bridge Pool
7725 Alden Bridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77382
Hours: Tuesdays - Fridays: Noon to 6 p.m.; closed Mondays - Pre-season Weekend Pools:
Alden Bridge Pool, Bear Branch Pool, Cranebrook Pool, Creekwood Pool, Falconwing Pool, Harper's Landing Pool, Sawmill Pool, and Wendtwoods Pool
Hours: Saturdays: Noon to 6 p.m.; Sundays: 1 to 6 p.m.
Galveston Historical Foundation opens the doors to Galveston's incredible architectural history through public tours of privately-owned homes during its annual Galveston Historic Homes Tour. Tours will be held on May 6, 7, 13, and 14 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets are $45 for non-members until May 1 and then $50 after and are available online at or by calling 409-765-7834. Members of Galveston Historical Foundation can purchase specially priced $40 tickets by logging into their #GalvestonHistory+ account at
The Woodforest Bank TRI–The Woodlands is set for Saturday, May 6, 2023, beginning at 7 a.m. The Woodforest Bank TRI is a USA Triathlon (USAT) sanctioned event, featuring a field of 800 participants.
To ensure runner and spectator safety for the event, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office will be responsible for closing and re-opening lanes on streets along the race route. Residents are advised to plan accordingly during the morning hours of the event.
- The Pavilion to kick off its 2023 arts season with Jewels, May 5.
- The Township to host an Open House for the SH 242 shared use path (SUP)
- Postino Wine Bar opens in Hughes Landing, April 24
- To Kill a Mockingbird comes to Houston's Hobby Center- April 25 - 30, 2023
- Water Lantern Festival, Soccer Shots, and more family fun at City Place