
Mom's Rest & Relaxation Summer Bucket List

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Summer break is here! And if you're not careful, you'll rip and run and do ALL the things for the kids, while at the same time neglecting your own self care. This list is just for YOU, to give you some ideas for resting, relaxing, and feeding your soul this season:

1. Get a mani/pedi at the local spa. 

2. Enjoy early morning coffee or tea on the porch.

3. Try a new restaurant.

4. Go dancing.

5. Take a nap on the sofa.

6. Start journaling. 

7. Color in an adult coloring book. 

8. Make homemade bread.

9. Treat yourself to your favorite cocktail / mocktail.

10. Go on a bike ride.

11. Pick up fresh flowers for your nightstand.

12. Enjoy a day at the spa - massage, facial, steamroom... the works!

13. Take a hike.

14. Watch a grown-up movie or binge watch your favorite Netflix show.

15. Sleep in.

16. Purchase a new sundress.

17. Get your hair colored / cut / profesionally styled at a salon.

18. Read a novel or self-help book.

19. Indulge in a new hobby.

20. Take a day trip with friends.


Strike up the convo – Here are 5 Mommy-Friendly tips to help you meet other moms

Some women are natural conversation starters, and some of us need more help. If you want to know how to make small talk with strangers,  WoodlandsMommy.com has some tips for you! Here are 5 mommy-friendly ways to strike up a great conversation with just about anybody, whether you're super shy or bursting with confidence.

Conversation Tip # 1: Introduce Yourself.
This is one of the simplest ways to strike up a conversation. Be straightforward yet friendly. Walk up to the person with a smile and introduce yourself. Relax and let everything else follow. This strategy works even for those who are not as confident as others. Just make sure you know what to say next before making your move. For example, once the person introduces himself or herself back, you can ask them a question like "So how do you know the birthday boy?" or “How long has your daughter been dancing here?”

Is it okay to have a baby shower for a second (or third) pregnancy?


Ah, etiquette. We all want to tiptoe within its bounds and avoid ticking off our closest friends and family when major life events roll around - like your new baby.

And yet, so often in modern life, it seems like the old ways don't always cover the new realities.  Things really were simpler back when the rules were drawn up!

So, how to navigate the do's and don'ts when you're preggers again ... and again? After all, it's probably safe to assume that this baby rocks your world just as much as your first did.

So is a second (or third) shower okay, or will you be viewed as an opportunistic gift grabber? Is there any sneaky way around the horns of this dilemma - or must you throw in the baby towel, pass on the shower, and just order out for pizza instead, skip the anchovies? Read on for the answers!