
Field Trip Idea: Student Art Exhibits at the Library

The Montgomery County Library is hosting Student Art Exhibits showcasing the works of Conroe ISD students in grades K-12. The  South Library (Lake Robbins Dr) is a participant, and I was pleasantly surprised when I dropped by the facility on Monday evening and was able to view about 50 awesome art pieces created by local students. These student artists are Talented (with a capital "T")! Here's how I plan to turn this into a field trip for my little ones:
I've decided this is where my "big" family outing for the week will be. Well yes, I know it doesn't take long to look at several dozen paintings/drawings, but I plan to make a big deal of it. I'll get my older three girls involved and we'll take our time, talking about the details of each piece (that sometimes aren't obvious when you just quickly skim over it). I'll encourage them to form their opinions about the pieces and to decide on their favorites. Another fun exercise might be for them to think of a new title of each piece if they had to rename it. We'll also bring along our sketch book and colored pencils in case they're inspired to do their own doodling. Town Green Park is right next door, so we'll certainly pack a blanket and sack lunch (crackers, cheese, strawberries, and cold cuts) to enjoy a picnic on the grass. Afterwards, we'll read some poems from our Shel Silverstein book, they'll kick a ball along the grassy field or play "Simon Says" before we take our obligator round trip trolley ride through the Waterway area. Depending on the time of day, they might have time to each select one $0.50 book from the Friends of the Library book store (right outside the main library doors) before we head home for some quiet time.  

Now, how's that for a nice, cultural afternoon?