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Author Visit with Sharlene Novak
Friday, August 25, 2023, 11:00am

Author Sharlene Novak will be our special guest for Storybook Theatre on Friday, August 25, at 11am.  Sharlene will read “Happy Tails Camper Stories:  Lucy Learns to Share” on stage followed by a meet-and-greet, where she will sell and sign her books until 12:15pm.  Included in the price of admission, which is $8 for adults and children 1 year and older. bit.ly/TWCMtickets #BookReading #StoryTime #ChildrensBook #Educate #Empower #Excite

Sharlene is a transplanted New Yorker currently living in Texas.  She is an avid reader and knitter and a sometimes writer.  She lives with her husband, Rick, and their latest four-legged family member, Harry; but Lucy is always in their hearts.  Sharlene visits her daughter in New York City as often as possible, but Amy prefers to come to Texas and spend time with Harry.  Sharlene is currently working on ideas for one or two more Happy Tails books. Book format:  paperback. Cost:  $10 plus tax. Methods of payment accepted:  cash, checks payable to Sharlene Novak, and credit cards

Location  The Woodlands Children’s Museum
Contact  Courtney Coats-Topini