
The Woodlands Car Club: Coffee and Cars for a Cause

I've often seen the calendar listing for The Woodlands Car Club's event "Coffee and Cars for a Cause" on Sunday mornings at Market Street, but with church and self-admitted laziness on Sunday mornings, we've never made the effort to check it out.  
Recently my boys have been showing an interest obsession with cars, so we made it a priority to take them to Coffee and Cars for a Cause earlier in June. What great fun!
It's a simple enough concept - car owners and enthusiasts park their cars around the streets of Market Street with their doors open and hoods and trunks up while patrons stroll around admiring their prizes.  The boys admired new Lamborghinis, Corvettes and new model BMWs (to name a few) while my husband and I leaned towards the older model Mustangs and Camaros.  If you're lucky, the owners will let the kids sit in the cars and have a look around and of course, take plenty of photos.
If you're looking for something fun and different to do with the kids this summer, The Woodlands Car Club holds their event the first Sunday of each month from 8-10 a.m.  You'll enjoy the quiet stroll, friendly conversation and the fact that you're supporting an organization that has been raising awareness and funds for local non-profit organizations in Montgomery County since 2001. For more information:  www.marketstreet-thewoodlands.com/events/5884/cars-coffee-cause-2015-07-05/.
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