As a mom to 2 boys, I find it a little frustrating walking through the craft aisle at the big box and toy stores. If you're a mom of boys too, you may have noticed how most of the craft projects down these aisles include shiny sequins, heart stickers and rainbows. If you're a mom of girls this might irritate you as well, not all girls are into all the glitter and glam! That's why I was so excited to stumble upon a box titled, "Boy Craft: Rubber Band Launcher Kit" one day back in January while I was perusing the discount aisle at one of our local discount stores!
It's not that my boys are really into crafts, but it's always nice to have a little, 100 degree-4 days from school starting-we're going bonkers in the house- kind of activity in my back pocket that isn't covered with sequins and heart stickers so I nabbed it. Some 7 months later, at the peek of 100 degree-4 days from. . . boredom I finally pulled out the Rubber Band Launcher Kit out of desperation just hoping it would take up a few minutes of all of our time.
It did not disappoint! Yes, it's a "gun". Yes, they shot each other, the dog, me, etc., but it was so worth it. In about 6 simple steps and some wood glue, the whole shabang was put together and up and running. There were 4 stand-up targets to aim at as well as 24 hefty rubber bands to go with it. Who would have known the fun my boys would have had putting this together and playing with it a good portion of the morning.
The better news is, this wasn't just a fluke purchase after all! "Boy Craft" has an entire line of crafts just like these for our boys and girls! They have Marshmallow shooters, catapult wars, build your own tank and several more. This is the kind of thing I've been looking for to keep my boys busy in a pinch and I'm so glad I did!
If you're interested in checking out any of these crafts for your boys or girls, take a look at: These kits can be purchased on or as well. Happy crafting!