
How Math and Science Enrichment can Benefit Your Child This Summer

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Let’s face it: school can only support so much of your child’s academic development.

There are many subjects to learn and many students to teach, with each child at a different level of comprehension and interest than the rest. Your child may feel lost in a certain class due to lack of understanding or be bored because the material is too easy.

As parents, it’s easy to step in and take matters into your own hands, but that, too, is not easy with busy schedules, parent-child dynamics getting in the way of teacher-child dynamics that is needed, absence of a setting where other children are also learning, etc. Add to all this, the impact of Covid-19 and distracted learning that has resulted. These situations can lead to poor grades, or worse, behavioral issues.

A simple solution to get your child back on track is educational enrichment programs. And summer break is a great time to get back on track and prepare for the next school year. Math and English enrichment do more than just expand knowledge about those subjects. They come with a range of benefits that make this supplementary education worth the time and expense:

  • Academic Performance: A natural consequence of additional learning is better performance in school. Your child will not only grasp concepts but also know how to apply them to the real world. They may even have the opportunity to attend advanced or gifted classes as a result of improvement.

  • Social Development: Grades are not the only thing to improve; social skills do too. Educational enrichment programs bring together children of a variety of ages and from different schools to interact with each other outside of a traditional classroom. This helps them develop communication and social skills beyond what they learn at school. Kids who share common interests and goals are also likely to become friends or at least supportive peers.

  • Career Opportunities: Enrichment classes allow for deeper exploration into topics, exposing students to career paths they may not have been aware of or thought possible. Teachers can help them learn the information they need to do well in their desired field.

  • Personal Growth through Discipline and Accountability: Experiencing success through a lasting commitment gives children a sense of pride, accomplishment, and confidence. Your child will practice patience and persistence, staying accountable, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving, skills that are relevant to all areas of life.

The educators at Best In Class Education are committed to giving your child the essential advantage.  Schedule a conversation with them today or call the office at ‪(346) 704-0547.