
Free Cart Cruises and outdoor adventures in Harris County!

cart cruise
If you think life’s a snore, try one of these TAPS events offered by Harris County and held at various locations throughout the area, including as close as Burroughs Park just minutes from The Woodlands.

I signed up for a FREE Friday Cart Cruise, and this was my view from the back of a golf cart one lovely morning a couple weeks ago! The 8-passenger golf cart was occupied by me and two of my children, and a plastic shield separated us from the driver / guide who was super friendly and shared – via the cart’s intercom system - a myriad of interesting facts about the Spring Creek Trail. On our 1-hour cruise beginning at Pundt Park in Spring, we stopped several times to learn about identifying trees, plants, markings, and tracks. My kiddos received a valuable nature lesson, and I went home with a couple of freshly picked bay leaves from the forest. 

Upcoming events through TAPS include movie night in the park, archery for children, canoeing, cart tours, kayaking, stargazing, yoga, and more!

WoodlandsMommy.com Pro Tip: Even if the event says “Waitlist Only”, don’t be discouraged. Sign up anyway! Cancellations happen very frequently and the staff are diligent about working the waitlist.

CLICK HERE to see the Harris County Precinct 4 TAPS ("Trails as Parks") events and to start signing up.