
Small Business Spotlight: Women's Council of Entrepreneurs and ShopaSmallBusiness.com


If you're a local entrepreneur looking for growth, you need to be connected with these two knowledgeable women and the valuable businesses they represent. We're so excited to share their story with you!

Meet Melissa Rouswell and Ali Everhard:

Tell us about your business:
The Women's Council of Entrepreneurs is a group of women entrepreneurs who connect & support each other. Our mission is to promote, motivate, and educate female entrepreneurs and we do that through several ways. We have a FB group where we help each other with questions and issues, we host virtual monthly workshops on various business topics, network quarterly and we help promote small businesses at shopasmallbusiness.com.
When and How did you get started?
We met while volunteering at our children’s elementary school in 2013. We realized we had a lot in common, not only being moms, but as business owners too. Ali was a solo entrepreneur with a photography & design business, and Melissa was in a direct sales business at the time. Even though we both owned businesses, they were very different. Melissa was able to receive training and support from her corporate office and Ali was swimming through the waters alone. Together we spent many hours chatting about our businesses and the different experiences we had. Ali was frustrated as a solo entrepreneur for although she was successful, she wasted precious time researching and finding all the information she needed for her business to be successful.
We decided that women solo entrepreneurs would benefit from a community like the one that direct sales offered where they had webinars/workshops, support, networking, and a place to go for help. We created the Women’s Council of Entrepreneurs (WCE) to do just that and so much more! WCE is a place that focuses on business development and a place to give all women entrepreneurs an opportunity to connect with each other and share experiences good or bad. We wanted to build a community of support in a world that can feel very cut-throat and lonely. Everyone needs a Tribe! We also wanted to do something different than most networking groups -- we wanted to connect our small businesses with the public, not just with our members.



How much time do you spend each week working your business?

We usually work between 9-3 each day but some days we start early before the kids get up or after they are in bed or at activities. Like many moms, we have molded our schedules to be able to work around our kids. This is one of the things we love most about owning our own businesses-- the much needed flexibility!



Do you have any special tips for balancing family life and work?
Focus on whatever activity you are doing. If you are at home with the family, focus on that and if you are working, focus on that. It is much easier said than done but we have found setting working hours also helps keep that time separate.
What motivates you? 


Besides the women of our group, our families are a big motivation for us. We both come from a long line of entrepreneurs -- Melissa’s family taught her that it’s never too late to start something new with her grandfather and father both starting businesses in retirement. Ali’s father also started a company in his retirement following the footsteps of his grandfather, father, and father-in-law. But, the one that has inspired Ali the most is her mom who opened her restaurant just after finishing her cancer treatments. Her strength and grit is empowering.
Our husbands have been our biggest motivators since day one. They are there to remind us why we do what we do when we hit low points, because every entrepreneur hits those terrible low points. We also look to the future for motivation. We strive to be positive examples to our children. We want them to know they are capable of doing anything. We are teaching by example that if you have an idea and you can’t stop thinking about it, pursue it. And most importantly we let them see us fail, because we want them to know failure is nothing to be ashamed of and it’s the best time to learn and grow. 


What do you consider to be your biggest strength?

Melissa- The ability to talk to anyone! I love getting to know our members, hearing why they started their business and helping them to get what they want!


Ali - I would say my biggest strengths are design and research. I love to create inspiring images. And I also love digging deep to find new tips and create articles that will help our members make their lives easier as business owners.
For better or for worse, it what ways has the current pandemic affected your business?
COVID had a major impact on our business as we only did in person workshops and networking at that time in the North Houston area. When COVID hit, we moved everything online which has its challenges. One benefit is that we are able to help women from all over the US now rather than just in the Houston area. We will continue our workshops online as it offers the ability to record events and bring in speakers from all over the US. We will begin networking again when it is safe to do so and will be expanding that to other areas outside of just Houston as well with a Local Leader program. 


What would you like to be doing five years from now? 

Melissa- I recently realized that I will have an empty nest in 5 years so I am excited and sad about what that new chapter will mean to my husband and I. I hope to travel more and to do some fun home projects!

Ali - Well, I am one that has a hard time looking too far into the future. Unlike Melissa I won’t have a complete empty nest, but it will be much less full. My hope of course is for continued growth in my businesses. I am also looking forward to seeing what my 2 older children begin to conquer in their young adulthood and getting to spend more one-on one time with my youngest.
What makes your business stand out?
Our focus really is on helping women owned businesses be successful. We do that in several different ways~ education, networking and helping them to get more traffic and more visibility to their site and helping people learn about their businesses. We always focus on "What is best for the business owner?" and "what do they need to be successful?". We know how hard it is to start a business, much less to be successful and we want to provide the tools they need to be successful as well as the support they need to keep going when they get discouraged!

What's your advice to other moms who want to start their own business? 


Just do it! Don't wait for the right timing, the perfect idea or plan. The longer you put off starting, the longer you will wait! Jump in and figure it out as you go! It is also ok to fail at things. Some of the best ideas come from failed first attempts (or second or third!)


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