Why its important for residents to take the challenge: Lawn irrigation accounts for up to 30 percent of the water used by Township residents during cooler months, even though turf grass, particularly St. Augustine, goes dormant then. Winter is when grass blades naturally turn brown so all available energy is used to grow and strengthen the root system. Shallow roots and poor lawn health issues result from staying too wet and overwatering during the cool part of the year. Turning off automated sprinkler systems, or not watering dormant grass in winter, helps reduce water usage and avoids water being wasted from runoff. So, for fewer disease and pest problems, lawns should be allowed to brown for the winter and green up again beautifully in the spring.
How it works: When households take the challenge and pledge, they earn contest points for their village. The challenge runs from October 15, 2018 to April 15, 2019. Pledges may be submitted online or in person, beginning August 15, 2018. Residents can pledge in person at the Township Environmental Services Department office or at neighborhood events. The three water-wise villages that receive the most points will earn a cash donation for their scholarship fund from program sponsors. Pledges made in the first few months of the Challenge will receive bonus points.
For full details and to pledge, please visit http://www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/waterconservation, drop by the Township Environmental Services Department at 8203 Millennium Forest Drive 77381, or call 281-210-3800.