
Introducing Haude Tutoring – Creative in-home & center-based mathematics tutoring options!

Does your child need a math tutor for second grade math, College Algebra, or somewhere in between? Whether he or she is underperforming and lacking confidence, or perhaps even excelling at math but could use some additional guidance, it might be time to hire outside help! Haude Tutoring is a Spring-based mathematics tutoring and educational consulting business offering a variety of in-home and center-based options throughout the year. 
Help in your home -  The immediate advantage of in-home tutoring is that you’re provided with unparalleled convenience! Families save time and gas money when the tutor comes to them, plus one-on-one support is guaranteed, working with the same tutor on each occasion.  Haude Tutoring’s in-home services include tutoring ranging from second grade to College Algebra in the Spring/Woodlands area and vicinity.  They’ll use your child’s activities from school (or homeschool) as a starting point for a session and can provide addition resources as needed. In-home sessions with Haude Tutoring can be customized to meet the needs and goals of each respective client.  Reviewing prior content, developing mastery of current material, and looking forward to future topics are all possible components of an in-home tutoring program. 

Visit the center in Spring, TX -  Center-based options with Haude Tutoring include small-group classes for Algebra I, Algebra II, and PSAT/SAT content during the summer months.  Also, individual consultations for all content levels as well as aspiring and current educators in the field of mathematics throughout the year are available.  As with in-home sessions, individual center-based sessions can be customized to meet the needs and goals of each client.  When you opt to conduct a session at the center, no setup time is needed as there would be with an in-home session, and more resources are at the ready. 

About the Owner - Haude Tutoring is owned and operated by Nathan Haude, a professional with over ten years of experience in mathematics education consisting of classroom teaching and the tutoring business.  Haude Tutoring is a proud member of the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce (HNWCC) and carries an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).  For more information, please visit haudetutoring.com or call the office at (281) 528-9481.