

Find a Hobby That You Will Enjoy!

get a hobby

A hobby can be a total game-changer for moms, especially when life feels like a juggling act! Do you have one? If not, no worries—I’ve got the perfect guide to help you find one (or maybe even a few!) that’ll make your heart sing.

Picture this: it’s your day off (or whatever "off" looks like in your busy world), and you’re not groaning about the chores ahead. Instead, you’re grinning from ear to ear, saying, “Hooray! Today is the day I get to dive into my hobby!" Or maybe, you're looking forward to the quiet of the evening and thinking, "I can't wait to get the kids in bed so I can finally enjoy my passion!" That’s the magic of the right hobby—it becomes your happy place, so absorbing that you might even forget the clock ticking away.


Embracing Healthy Boundaries: Tools for Moms to Thrive in a Full Life

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(SPONSORED BY Mamaya Health; Written by Amy Green, Mamaya Founder) - Motherhood is a beautiful, fulfilling journey—but let’s be honest, it’s also a full one. Between school drop-offs, work deadlines, playdates, grocery lists, and the mental load of keeping everyone’s schedule straight, it’s no wonder moms often feel stretched to their limits.


4 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and have a Healthy Holiday Season

Cough cough! Sniffle sniffle. Wheeeeez!

Cold weather has arrived, and so have the holidays, which means ripping and running with the kids, spending time with friends and extended family, and maybe packing up for a family vacation. It’s simply NOT THE TIME to be sick! Whie the lower temperatures themselves won’t cause illness, they can create a more favorable environment for viruses, making them easier to spread and increasing your chances of getting sick.

So, what do you do about it? The answer is easy: Strengthen your immune system to make it easier for your body to defend against harmful germs. If you're otherwise healthy, supporting your immune system can be as simple as adopting these 4 common healthy habits.