
Lovepop Mother's Day Giveaway & Editor's Review

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I don’t mean to be dramatic, but LovePop has the most gorgeous and unique greeting cards & keepsakes I have ever seen! Are you familiar with them? I found them when searching  online  for Mother’s Day gift ideas, but I got a bit giddy and ordered pop-up cards and bouquets for graduation and other upcoming special occasions as well. There was an option for free shipping, but I paid a couple dollars extra because once I saw these precious works of art, I had to get them here pronto!

No sitter? No problem! These 9 Home Date ideas are easy to pull off

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Remember that first date? There were butterflies and lots of excitement, high heels (perhaps), and your special perfume. Y'all had so much fun! And then what?

One of the best pieces of marriage advice I've ever received came from my mother-in-law who cautioned us at the very beginning - don't stop making time for each other. Kids will come into the picture, plus activities and jobs and house stuff and all kinds of distractions that might eventually make it seem impossible to date” your spouse, but MAKE IT HAPPEN anyway!

11 Easy things to do TODAY to feel motivated and refreshed

woman journaling
Happy New Year! Woodlands mommies can do these 11 things TODAY and EVERY day to feel insanely motivated and refreshed!