
Simple Ways for Woodlands Mamas to begin their mornings REFRESHED

mom meditating
Ready, set… GO!

Or actually, don’t go. Wait. Stop. Breathe, even if it’s for just a few minutes.

Waking up and getting ready for the day shouldn’t be stressful and anxiety-inducing. Consider these tips to ease into your morning with purpose and delight.

Are you taking advantage of this age-old way to clear your mind and relieve stress? Find a quiet spot in your house that’s free of distraction (the walk-in closet in your master bedroom might do the trick), sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or either sit on the floor crisscross style, and practice being still with your eyes closed as you focus on breathing steadily and deliberately.

The goal is to steer your mind away from any negative thoughts that you have, and just sit and be mentally free. YouTube and Amazon Music have free guided meditation tracks that you can queue up from your phone.

It’s okay if you don’t have time to start your day with a full-on yoga class. Simply taking a few minutes to stretch can be good for your body and your mind, as it counteracts the inactivity of the previous night by releasing tension and tightness, increases blood flow, helps with flexibility, and calms your mind. Who wouldn’t benefit from ALL of these wonderful effects?

Give your body and brain some fuel in the morning. Along with eating a nutritious breakfast, consider giving your brain a jumpstart as well. This might include reading your Bible, doing brainteasers, praying, or writing down (or reciting) some affirmations for the day. For example, journaling is a gentle way to ease into your morning and get your brain firing.

Yes, the whole point of this article is to encourage you to calm down for a moment, but why not try something that leaves you peaceful and energized? Brew yourself a mug of tea, and plant yourself by the fireplace or… go ahead and brave the fresh air (it’ll get warmer, promise). Spread a cozy blanket on your patio, or calmly rock on your porch swing and listen to the sounds of the morning as the sun flows overhead. If you’re in a melodic mood, play some classical music (Debussy is wonderful for relaxation, by the way!).

Just to emphasize, you are SO worth taking the time to have a sweet start to your day, so next time you hop out of bed, throw on some clothes—or stay in your PJ’s—and make sure to get yourself refreshed.