
Is Mammogram the Best Defense to Early Detection?

For years, we were all encouraged to have a baseline mammogram done at age 35 and now they are pushing that to 50 years of age. There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding when to start screening for breast cancer. But did you know that active cancer cells double in number every 90 days? That means that if you have 2 cells at day 90, you will have over one million in the fifth year and it still won’t be detectable by a mammogram!

At Woodlands Wellness and Cosmetic Center, Dr. Sakina Davis brought thermography to the center to find a safe alternative to mammography. “We were seeing so many of our guests in their 60’s that had never had a mammogram because it was painful or they did not want to risk being exposed to radiation. We had other guests that refused mammograms because they had breast implants and did not want the risk of having them rupture. I knew there had to be something out there tohat was effective”.


Active Cancer Cells Double in Number Every 90 Days

90 Days

2 cells

 Detectable by thermography

1 year

16 cells


2 years

256 cells


3 years

4,896 cells


4 years

65,536 cells


5 years

1,048,576 cells

 Undetectable by mammography

6 years

16,777,216 cells


7 years

268,435,456 cells


8 years

4,294,967,296 cells

 Doubled 32 times *

*Normally detectable by mammogram at this stage





Thermography uses digital infrared technology that is noninvasive, painless, and actually detects a change in breast tissue much earlier than mammography. Mammography detects cancer after it’s been growing for eight-nine years. Breast self-exams detect cancer at 10 years. Thermography can detect breast changes after 90 days.

All women can benefit from thermography and it is especially appropriate for women between the ages of 20-50 whose denser breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective. It’s also appropriate for women who are unable to undergo routine mammography. Taking a thermogram is painless and as simple as having your picture taken. Call Woodlands Wellness and Cosmetic Center at 281-362-0014 to schedule your breast thermography or visit their website at www.woodlandswellness.com.