
Don’t Trash it! Use the 3 R’s When Spring Cleaning this Year

Call it spring fever, call it the madness of March, but it’s that time of year when we moms get anxious to get rid of the clutter! Whether it’s a few boxes of old clothes or years’ worth of stuff, everyone has something they need to unload.

Tossing the stuff in the trash isn’t an option for some items as they may pose a hazard to the environment. Furthermore, many people throw away thousands of dollars in usable goods every year because they don’t know where to recycle or resell them. A local business-owner says there are ways to clean out, stay green, get organized and even make some money in the process.  “We are such a disposable society that many people think nothing of throwing away an outdated computer, old china or pottery that’s no longer in style, or books that have been collecting dust in the attic,” said Niki Campbell, owner of Quick2Sell eBay Consignment and Shipping Center. “They don’t realize these items might have a negative impact on the environment or that they have some value to someone else.”

Campbell, whose company sells on eBay for clients, says keep the 3 R’s in mind as you spring clean to ensure you make the most of your stuff:

Reuse It! Could your child’s school or day care use the baseball or soccer equipment that your child has outgrown? Or, would the local senior center benefit from the Blu-ray player you are getting rid of because all your shows are now digital? Check out local organizations, schools and community groups that may be able to reuse your items. Or, list it in the Facebook Marketplace and donate your goods to another local family.

Recycle It! From sneakers to computers to batteries to light bulbs, you can recycle more than just paper, plastic and glass. Before you trash it, check online to see if it can be recycled. A great site to start with is https://earth911.com/recycling-center-search-guides/. You can search for the item(s) in question (i.e. paint, electronics, etc.) and input your zip code to find a recycling center nearest you. If you reside in The Woodlands Township, see their recycling guidelines, including a listing of acceptable materials, here.

Resell It! Consignment is a great way to recoup some of the investment you’ve made in things like designer clothing, high-end electronics, furniture and antiques. Selling locally within your social media circles is another obvious first choice as it provides quick access to close buyers with no need for shipping. For specialized tools and equipment, a more global marketplace with millions of buyers, such as eBay, might be necesssary. Studies have shown that the average household has $1000-$2000 worth of "classifies" sellable items in their home. Who couldn't use the cash/

WoodlandsMommy.com recommends taking the time now to go through your unused items and put them up into groups that fall into the categories above. Once the warmer weather hits, we all have excuses to keep us from clearing out the clutter. Once you’ve conquered the clutter, take one day to drop it off at the school, recycling center or consignment shop. You’ll be glad to be clutter-free and you’ll feel good that your stuff is not just sitting at the curb.