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Shadow Puppet Theatre-A Silly Snowy Day
Thursday, December 28, 2023, 11:00am

Shadow Puppet Theatre Thursday, December 28th at 11am presents  “A Silly Snowy Day”  by Michael Coleman . Shelley the tortoise is determined to stay awake instead of hibernating to see what winter is all about. In spite of her parents’ warnings, Shelley sets out to explore the cold world. She eventually realizes that it’s best to return home…and rather quickly!  Included in the price of admission, which is $8 for adults and children 1 year and older. #BookReading #StoryTime #ChildrensBook #ToddlerMom #Art #ChildrensMuseum bit.ly/TWCMtickets 

Shadow Puppet Theatre is an introduction to storytelling elements that allow our readers and audience to interact directly with each other, children of all ages are enchanted with the animated shadows.

Location  The Woodlands Children's Museum
Contact  courtney coats