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Mitchell Library: Movie Matinee for Adults
Thursday, November 30, 2023, 01:00am

Mitchell Movie Matinee will be showing the popuiar movie Barbie (2023), starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, and Will Ferrell.

Barbie, the most popular of all the Barbies in Barbieland, begins experiencing an existential crisis.  She must travel to the human world in order to understand herself and discover her true purpose.  Her boyfriend Ken comes along for the ride because his own existence depends on Barbie acknowledging him. Both discover harsh truths---and make new friends---along the road to enlightenment.

Come enjoy this colorful and funny movie, whether you have previously seen it or not.  We'll have chips, drinks, cookies, and the big screen experience waiting for you!. All movies are PG or PG-13.

Location  Mitchell Library, 8125 Ashlane Way, The Woodlands