Woodlands Events Calendar
Decorative floats intermingle with thousands of men and women on horseback to fill the streets with hoof beats and marching bands. Enthusiastic Houstonians join out-of-town spectators to line the streets and sidewalks to be involved in one of Houston’s most popular celebrations!
The parade route begins at Bagby and Walker Streets, travels from Travis to Bell Street, and from Bell Street to Louisiana Street, before turning on Lamar Street and ends at Lamar and Bagby.
Expect streets to be closed Saturday morning of the parade and Rodeo Run, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Streets will open after the events finish in the afternoon around 2 p.m.
Public parking garages in the downtown Houston area and the Theater District are available to parade viewers. Please prepare for each garage to have its own parking fees.
More details: https://www.rodeohouston.com/parade/