
News & Stories

Topgolf. Top Notch. Here’s a recap of our Ladies’ Night Out

What do you envision when you hear the word “golf”? Well, let me tell you... This isn’t your daddy’s somber golf country club!  Topgolf is a driving-range-style entertainment complex full of thrills, energy, and smiling faces, and WoodlandsMommy.com was pleased to be part of the Topgolf Blogger Series “Ladies Happy Hour” event last week. We invited 25  of our local readers to join us for the evening, plus we were delighted with the opportunity to meet guests of The Observant Turtle, Houston Moms Blog, and The Simple Parent. The evening was a blast!


As I entered Topgolf Spring facility at 560 Spring Park Center Blvd, others were headed out, and – I have to say this for the single moms – there were quite a bit of good-looking men there who may or may not have been eligible bachelors. Just some food for thought!  Now, where were we? When you enter, you’re greeted with music, lights, a beautiful lobby, a helpful staff, TV’s galore, and, did I mention the energy in this place?


Our Homeschool Room Tour

altEven some of the unlikeliest moms in our area are starting to consider the option of educating their kiddos at home. There are so many pros and cons to homeschooling, and also very many pros and cons to sending your kiddos off to school. Personally, I think education works best when youre doing what works best for the child and the family, and every situation is different. So here are two words for you homeschoolers, public schoolers, and private schoolers: ROCK ON!

I've homeschooled for the past few years, and we plan to do it again this year. This could possibly change in the future, but until it does, Ill be enjoying the time I get to spend in our home schoolroom. If youre thinking of creating a home education space, feel free to take note and/or send me your own schoolroom photos so we can post them.

Why Not Toys? Local Toy Store Fascinates Shoppers!

"Wow!!" That's what my husband and I kept exclaiming as we walked deeper and deeper into Why Not Toys, hands down the cutest and coolest toy store around, located in Old Town Spring.
This week we decided to explore the charming shopping district of Old Town Spring with our 4 munchkins, and the amazing toy shop was the very first store we entered. I'd visited in the past (without hubby), and all I remember of that visit is that it was a quick in-and-out type of thing (I can't remember why we had to leave so quickly. Perhaps one of the kids were being unruly.) I was thrilled to experience the store for a 2nd time, because it was nothing like I'd remembered it. We walked through room after room (after room) of some of the most fascinating toys around. There were figurines, dolls, board games, stuffed animals, tents, crafts, vintage toys, wind-ups, books, puppets, kitchens, trucks, cash registers, puzzles, monsters and so much more. It was a delight for the senses, and I really don't know who enjoyed the store more, the kids or myself!

The Woodlands Car Club: Coffee and Cars for a Cause

I've often seen the calendar listing for The Woodlands Car Club's event "Coffee and Cars for a Cause" on Sunday mornings at Market Street, but with church and self-admitted laziness on Sunday mornings, we've never made the effort to check it out.  
Recently my boys have been showing an interest obsession with cars, so we made it a priority to take them to Coffee and Cars for a Cause earlier in June. What great fun!
It's a simple enough concept - car owners and enthusiasts park their cars around the streets of Market Street with their doors open and hoods and trunks up while patrons stroll around admiring their prizes.  The boys admired new Lamborghinis, Corvettes and new model BMWs (to name a few) while my husband and I leaned towards the older model Mustangs and Camaros.  If you're lucky, the owners will let the kids sit in the cars and have a look around and of course, take plenty of photos.
If you're looking for something fun and different to do with the kids this summer, The Woodlands Car Club holds their event the first Sunday of each month from 8-10 a.m.  You'll enjoy the quiet stroll, friendly conversation and the fact that you're supporting an organization that has been raising awareness and funds for local non-profit organizations in Montgomery County since 2001. For more information:  www.marketstreet-thewoodlands.com/events/5884/cars-coffee-cause-2015-07-05/.
alt altalt

Editor's Review: Mabel's Labels

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Mabel’s Labels. I received a voucher to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Next month is the month my mom takes off to treat all her grandkids for a week of fun at her house. For my nieces and nephews, it’s been a summer tradition for the past 15 years, and now that I have kids of my own, mine participate too. That’s about 12 little ones in all (and yes, it was Grandma’s idea)! While I look forward to my one-week “vacation from the kids” every summer, I DO NOT look forward to having them return home with less than what they left with. With everyone’s sleeping bags, clothes, pajamas, socks, shoes, stuffed animals, video games, hair stuff, etc. strewn all over the place, it’s easy for things to get lost. That’s why I decided to use Mabel’s Labels to keep track of everything this year. All of my kiddos items will be labeled, so there will be no question about “Whose is this?” when it’s time to pack up. Also, having things labeled will allow my mom to help the younger ones avoid mix-ups and lost items.


Although I’ve used Mabel’s Labels in the past, to facilitate my review of the product this month I was able to customize and receive a Mabel's Labels Limited Edition Camp Label pack – a Mabel’s Labels product designed specifically for campers to keep track of their belongings.  The process of ordering online was super easy. It literally took only a couple of minutes and I was done. I knew what the pack was going to include, but I was still surprised when I physically got the items from the mail and saw how many shiny, neat labels it really amounted to.

Out of the Box Summer Fun: Owl Pellet Dissection

I would have never guessed that dissecting owl pellets would be the highlight of our month! For only $4/each, I was able to purchase 2 owl pellets online from Home Science Tools, and they arrived to The Woodlands within a week's time. Even still, they sat in their packets for another 2 weeks because I simply had no interest in doing anything with them.