
Celebrate the Magic of Fatherhood at The Woodlands Children’s Museum, June 17

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AbracaDAD!  The Woodlands Children’s Museum is celebrating Father’s Day with a magical twist of the wand!  On Saturday, June 17, 2023, children can create a magical day with dad by enjoying a magic show and other spellbinding activities at the museum.

Famous magician David Blaine states that, “Magic is not about having a puzzle to solve. It’s about creating a moment of awe and astonishment. And that can be a beautiful thing.” On this magical day, we bring together two amazing performers known for creating their own awe and astonishment.

Monty the Magician, an award-winning children’s performer, will perform at 10:30am, 11:30am and 12:30pm on the museum’s stage.  Monty has performed thousands of shows for children and is an experienced showman who enjoys interacting with families and sharing the art of magic.

New this year, we welcome magician Jamie Salinas, who will perform at 2:00pm, 3:00pm and 4:00pm. Jamie is an award-winning performer in the art of sleight of hand magic. His magic has been featured at the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, and he has earned numerous awards. Jamie has performed his magic for royalty, celebrities, American and foreign presidents, and has been featured on television worldwide.

“Magic offers the opportunity for families to experience wonderment and illusion together and to explore creative ways to make the impossible possible,” stated Angela Colton, the museum’s Executive Director.  “Through the art of magic, children can learn sequential thinking, communication, and build self-confidence.”

Also during Magical Dads Day, families can enjoy story time at 11:00am with a reading of “This Book Is Magic,” by Ashley Evanson.  In celebration of Magical Dads Day, this fun and interactive book encourages children to perform a variety of magic tricks, including making a bunny appear!

Be sure to bring dad over to The Muse Art Bar too, where families can work together to create magic hats and a one-of-a-kind nuts and bolts Father’s Day gift.

The museum is open for extended summer hours beginning June 1st:  Tuesday – Friday from 10:00am – 4:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am - 5:00pm.  Magical Dads Day is included in the price of admission, which is $8 for adults and children one year and older. Guests are encouraged to pre-purchase tickets online at www.woodlandschildrensmuseum.org for this popular event.

The Woodlands Children’s Museum is located in the Panther Creek Village Center at 4775 W. Panther Creek Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77381.  Additional information can be found online and by following the museum on Facebook @TheWoodlandsChildrensMuseum and on Instagram and Twitter @TheWoodlandsCM.