
Can you survive the next weather-related disaster?

It's hurricane season! In The Woodlands, that means lots of rain, fallen trees that often block the roadways, broken tree limbs,  flooding, and more. Do you have your basic disaster supply kit on hand?  Seriously, what happens if your neighbor's tree falls down and blocks the street, and you can't get to Chick-fil-A to pick up dinner?
Hopefully you'll at least have an adequate supply of canned goods and drinking water. But there are also flashlights (and batteries), first aid kits, cash, extra diapers, sanitary items, and more that you'll need to have on hand - just in case - for even the basic storm that could leave you without electricity for several hours or even days. Don't wait until the last minute to get prepared.

Visit the ready.gov website to learn what protective measures to take before, during, and after an emergency, and start building your kit. Be safe this season!