

Try these 5 natural remedies for your family's winter coughs & sniffles!

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Make way for the chilly days! We’ve been waiting for months to pull out our dusty winter wear, and the days are finally getting cold. But while 40-degree weather calls for the fun things like hot cocoa and fuzzy socks, it also means sneezes and sniffles are coming around too. Here’s our list of five natural remedies to shoo those runny noses away:

  1. Bone Broth Soup is an excellent treatment for sniffles/coughs. This dish helps to clear one’s sinuses and provides relief from cold and flu symptoms. Warm soup is a sore throat’s best friend, and drinking a bowl is great to combat a dirty case of the dry coughs. Aside from treating illness, bone broth soup is loaded with nutrients for the body. You can purchase bone broth soup from your local grocery store, or google a few recipes to whip up your own batch at home.

    bone broth

  2. sambucusElderberry Syrup is another remedy for effectively fighting off winter germs. This syrup is becoming increasingly popular for its main component: elderberries, which improve one’s immune system. It can be made at home or bought from your local grocery store. Some researchers even suggest taking a spoonful a day to enhance one’s digestive health. Many recipes even include ginger, an extra-special ingredient for reducing cold/flu symptoms. (We've found that Sambucus Elderberry syrup  tastes great and is often priced better than other top competitors. As usual, Amazon will ship this directly to your door with our Amazon Affiliate link that may earn commissions.)

  3. Mmm… did we say Honey and Ginger Tea? This drink is not only delicious but has good medicinal qualities to cure cold-related ailments. Ginger already gets a big thumbs-up for its congestion-ridding characteristic, and honey is useful for allergy prevention, smooth digestion, and tackling bad coughs. Of course, the warmth of the tea is soothing for a scratchy throat, making this a triple yes for a try.


  4. A Saltwater Gargle is another of our favorite tried-and-true treatments for a sore throat. The simplest remedy on the list, this method only requires water (preferably warm) and salt, which helps to prevent bacteria from forming. Gargle a cup or two to reduce phlegm in the throat.

  5. Steam Therapy is one more natural remedy for suppressing sniffles and relieving sinuses. This technique is beneficial for both stuffy and dry nasal passages. The moisture is what brings the magic… it can either clear congestion or dampen dryness in the throat. For steam therapy at home, heat water in a cooking pot or use a steam device, such as Vicks Steam Inhaler. Try mixing in an essential oil or two for an extra dose of calm healing.