It's that time of year! Spring Break is right around the corner and most likely you'll be in the car or on a plane with your family and will need a few things to do to help the time go by. Once all the snacks are eaten, books are read and movies are watched why not start up an old fashioned family car game?
Here are a few of our favorite ways to pass the time behind the wheel or in the air:

The Alphabet Game: Each person takes a turn thinking of a word that begins with a letter of the alphabet. The other people in the car take turns asking for clues about what the object is until they guess thev correct word. For example, Dad has the letter "A" and in his head chooses the word "apple". Mom and kids ask questions like, "Is it an animal?", "Is it round?", and "Is it red?", etc. until someone guesses correctly!
I'm Packing a Suitcase: This is a favorite game for the road and for everyone's memory! The first person starts with "I'm packing a suitcase and I'm putting in... (something that starts with the letter A, such as apples)". The second person continues with, "I'm packing a suitcase and I'm putting in apples (or whatever the A word was) and bananas (or whichever B word they choose.) The third person continues in the same fashion, including all the items previously stated and adding another item that begins with the letter that's currently in play. This game is a barrel of laughs, especially when players start packing fun things like toots (for the letter T).
Secret Language: Take turns making up different ways to say a sentence in "secret languages". Start with good, old fashioned Pig Latin (Move the first letter to the end of the word and add ay to it). Make it as easy as you would like by adding a sound to the end of a word or even harder by adding the word "egg" before each vowel of a word. This is a popular language game in England is called "Eggy Peggy"!
Road Trip Scavenger Hunt: Print off a few sheets of paper with words and pictures of things you may see on the road and see who can check each one off first! Some examples may be: railroad tracks, a flashing red light, a blue truck, a car with a dog in it, a sign with an animal on it, you get the picture - be creative!