
Reinvent Date Night with These 5 Ideas

Even the best-intentioned Date Night ritual can get boring! Couples tend to do the same things over and over again (dinner and a movie... sounds familiar?), involving the same friends over and over again. Adding a little novelty to your Date Nights help to keep your outings interesting and the marriage fresh. It doesn't even have to be expensive. It just has to be fun!

Here are five ideas for a great date night.


  • Try a new cuisine. Have you sat on cushions in a Moroccan restaurant and been served mint tea from a long spouted samovar while enjoying the belly dancers? Maybe it's something even simpler. Maybe neither one of you has ever had sushi, or one of you is just dying to introduce the other to its marvels. Feed your spouse with your chopsticks. Go ahead, he or she deserves it.
  • Do you dance? No? Well, couples dance lessons are just the thing for an otherwise quiet summer afternoon! Hire a babysitter for one evening and get yourselves to your nearest dance studio, dress in loose clothing, and tease and laugh your way to some dancing skills. Check out Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Oak Ridge North, or Fred Astaire in Hughes Landing. An after-dance dinner and walk in Market Street will be rewarding, too.
  • Be romantic. Secretly purchase a little surprise for your spouse. Slip on your walking shoes and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Stop at your local café or bistro for an espresso, a microbrew or a pomegranate red glass of merlot. Give your spouse that little gift. The evening has only begun, you've had some time alone, and it didn't cost much either.
  • Make a date with some new friends to try a new board game or to barbecue together. Sometimes a night at another couple's home, or hosting new friends in yours, stirs up some great conversation and plans for other nights out.
  • Do something totally unexpected. Do either of you know anything about art? A visit to a museum can be a lot of fun - especially if there's something fun nearby to do after the visit. Have you ever been to a hockey game or an auction? What about the horse races down at Sam Houston Race Park? Just take a chance and do something new.