
Nine "Joint Resolutions" for a Better School Year

altIt's not too late! Work with your child to set a few joint resolutions to make this school semester a success for both of you! These academic resolutions will help you and your child tune up your habits and alleviate stress that can interfere with the learning process.

1. Rise and Shine. Everyone can use a little extra time in the morning.   By setting alarm clocks 10 minutes earlier, students can reduce the morning rush and arrive at school feeling composed and ready.

2. Tune Out.
TV and tablets are the biggest student distractions, especially when it comes to homework. Your child needn't give up the iPad or become TV-free, however. By simply eliminating one half-hour of screen time, students have more time to focus on schoolwork.

3. Prepare at night
. Have your child check items off his to-do list by preparing for school the night before. Choose clothing, re-pack book bags, and prepare lunches at night to reduce the morning rush.

4. Get organized. Resolve to use an agenda. Agendas will help you and your child stay on track so that homework and assignments are not forgotten.

5. Stick to a schedule.
 Hang wall calendars in a visible spot and be sure to write down all school assignments, extra curricular activities, and social engagements.

6. Hit the sheets
. A better night's sleep ensures that students are less sluggish more mentally alert during the school day.

7. Hit the books
. Extra-curricular reading is one of the best-known ways for students to build vocabulary and develop strong language skills. Additionally, children of all ages benefit from being read aloud to, so try working this into your nightly routine.

8. Eat right
. Healthy eating habits keep the brain active all day long. Avoid sugary treats and too-heavy meals, which can cause an attention crash.

9. Get outside
. Take in some fresh air, vitamin D, and get the blood pumping with some exercise. Exercise has been shown to increases circulation to the brain.