
Why Your Home is a Seller’s Goldmine

Selling your stuff online is a great way to declutter your home and make a bit of cash at the same time. If you rummage through your closets, you can probably find several items that you haven’t used in years. If they’re in good condition, chances are someone else would be happy to take them off your hands. Curious about what kind of treasures you could list online right now? Here are 10 of the most common options that’ll put some extra cash in your pocket.  

Vintage items

It looks like old junk to you, but a collector might see it as “vintage’ or “retro.”  Relics from decades past (think the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s) are often more valuable than you’d think. Check your storage areas (or your grandparents’ house) for things like obsolete electronics, vinyl records and old toys. You could get $20 for a 1961 “Christmas with the Chipmunks” LP, $60 for a 1970s RCA combination TV clock radio, or $125 for a 1980s Apple II+ computer. Toys in their original packaging are especially popular with buyers. A boxed GI Joe Jeep from 1964 could fetch upwards of $200.

Pet cage or fish tank

Many families with children go through a ‘small animal’ phase. They buy pets along with a cage or tank—and all the necessary accessories. But these little creatures don’t live forever, and by the time their lifespan is up the kids have often moved on to other interests. If you have a small animal home tucked away in the attic, why not exchange it for cash? A hamster cage with wheel and water bottle could fetch you $20, while you could get $30 for a 25-gallon fish tank or $40 for a large metal guinea pig cage.

Camping equipment

Listings for camping equipment often contain the phrase “only used once.” After an experience with swarms of mosquitoes, heavy rain and a smelly pit latrine, some campers decide they prefer to go “glamping” instead. If you’re one of them, sell your camping equipment to someone who is eager to commune with nature and then put that cash toward your next vacation. You could get $30 for a Coleman portable grill, a Wenzel camping cot or a portable folding picnic table. And a family sized dome tent could net you $100.

Old video games and consoles

It seems like gaming companies release cool new consoles every year or so. As such, kids often badger their parents for the next big thing and the games that were previously  their favorites are never played again. Luckily, there is a market for gently used, outmoded games and consoles. You could sell an older PlayStation with eight games for $50, or a Nintendo GameCube with 10 games for $100. Individual video games can fetch anywhere from $5 to $25, depending on original price and popularity.

Spare parts

People often need spare parts and accessories for their appliances and electronics.   Someone who has a blender or coffeemaker with a cracked or broken jug may prefer to pay $5 for a replacement carafe rather than buy a whole new machine. If your blender or coffeemaker doesn’t work, but the jug is in perfect condition, why not put it up for sale? Check your drawers for things like remote controls, scart leads and power adaptors for devices you no longer have or use.

Fitness equipment

You bought that treadmill or exercise bike to help you slim down and buff up, but now it’s sitting in the garage gathering dust. Sound familiar? Many people purchase expensive exercise equipment, stop using it, then pass it on to someone else fighting the battle of the bulge. You could get $30 for a set of six hand weights, or $120 for a pair of adjustable dumbbells. An exercise bike could fetch between $50 and $300, depending on its features and original value.

Board games

You bought a parlor game with an intention to start a game night with your friends and family.  Since then, it hasn’t seen the light of day since. Some families have shelves full of board games that children have outgrown, or that everyone finds a little dull. Popular children’s games such as Hungry, Hungry Hippos or KerPlunk sell for around $5 each, or five for $20. Strategy games with lots of components, such as The Settlers of Catan, can go for around $25. Games that are out of print, limited edition or vintage can be worth a lot more—so do your research before you dust off your game and list it!

Baby accessories

Babies require oodles of stuff, and those costs can add up really quickly. Then the little darlings grow into toddlers and need a completely different set of outfits and accessories. If your family is complete, it may be time to pass on baby bargains to new parents and earn some cash to help with your own child-related expenses. You could get $15 for a bouncy chair, $50 for an infant car seat, $60 for a portable bassinet or up to $400 for a stroller with a prestigious brand name.

Sporting equipment

Many homes have closets full of sporting equipment that never gets used. Kids or adults may try out a sport for a few months, decide it’s not that easy or fun, and then quit in favor of a new hobby. Conversely, they may become so good at an activity that they upgrade from beginner equipment to professional-grade accessories. This is one of the best ways to turn your closet clutter into extra income You could get $50 for a good pair of roller blades, a scuba diving suit, a set of golf clubs or a recurve bow with arrows.

Kitchen gadgets and small appliances

That electric milk frother seemed like a good idea at the time, but you’ve decided foamy coffee isn’t worth the effort. If you have unused or rarely used kitchen gadgets and appliances taking up valuable cupboard space, why not sell them and use the cash to buy something more practical? You could get $15 for a waffle maker, $20 for an electric grill or $50 for a much-coveted ice cream maker. If you have a KitchenAid stand-mixer, but no time to bake, you can sell it for around $150.  And that kind of  cash will buy you a lot of cake.