
Under the Sea
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: paper plates (2), pipe cleaners, drinking straw
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Talk to your toddler about animals
found in the sea: fish, turtles,
crabs, octopus, etc. Find these
items in books, magazines, and
newspapers and help your child
identify them.

Marine Life Search
Take a tour throughout your area
and find places with marine life
such as: lobsters and crabs
(some grocery stores), fish and
turtles (pet shops, Walmart),
octopus, dolphins, and sharks
(aquarium). Enjoy observing the
animals with your child.

Do this cute Fish Paper Plate

Do this Paper Plate Crab Craft

Fish in a Bottle
Fill a clean two liter (soda) bottle
halfway with water.   Blow up two
or three very small balloons.
Release some of the air and tie off
the ends.   Put the balloons into
the bottle and twist the bottle top
on tight.   Show your child how to
lay the bottle sideways and rock it
back and forth to create gentle
waves for the balloons (fish) to
swim in.  Variation:  Add some
blue food coloring to the water to
turn it blue.

Stuff the Sock
Set out some 12” tissue squares
and a large sock.  Show your child
how to stuff the tissue paper into
the sock.

Sea Creatures
(Tune: “Wheels on the Bus”)
The birds at the beach swoop and
swoop and soar, swoop and soar.
The birds at the beach swoop and
All along the shore.

The crabs at the beach creep and
creep and pinch, creep and pinch,
The crabs at the beach creep and
All along the shore.

The seals at the beach dive and swim,
dive and swim, dive and swim.
The seals at the beach dive and swim,
All along the shore.

The dolphins at the beach jump and
jump and dive, jump and dive.
The dolphins at the beach jump and
All along the shore.

Catch a Fish
(Tune: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Catch, catch, catch a fish,
hook it on your line.
Reel it, reel it, reel it, reel it
This one will be mine.

Gertie the Goldfish
(Smack - smack lips like kissing)
Gertie the Goldfish goes
smack, smack, smack
She looks at me and goes
smack, smack, smack,
She doesn't laugh, doesn't sing
doesn't do anything
Just blows big kisses like this
Smack , smack, smack, smack.

1,2,3,4,5, I Caught a Fish Alive
(Slightly different than the original)
I caught some fish alive
I caught some fish again
Why should you let them go?
Because they like to swim, you know
I'll let them swim away,
So I can fish another day

Five Little Crabs
One little crab, lonely and blue,
It met another crab, now there are two
Two little crabs living near the sea
Out crawled another, now there are
Three little crabs went off to explore,
They soon found another now there
are four
Four little crabs, glad to be alive
They found a new friend, now there are
Five little crabs went for a walk,
and all at once they spied a rock
Now five little crabs are happy as can
Under a rock by the deep blue sea.







"An octopus has eight
legs (tentacles).'

Color: Brown

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: Diamond

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Coloring Page 4

A few ways to boost your
toddler's self esteem:

  • Let your child talk on
    a tape recorder to
    hear his own voice.
  •  Make hand and foot
    prints on paper.
  • Allow your child to
    help you with simple household chores.
  • Display your child's
    artwork or other
    creative masterpieces.