
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: paper plate, glue, cinnamon and/or allspice, orange, brown, red, and yellow fingerpaint,
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Explain the Thanksgiving Holiday
to your child and help him come
up with a short list of things for
which he's thankful.

Pumpkin Pie
Paint a paper plate with orange
paint mixed with white glue.
Sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice
(or cinnamon & allspice).

Make a Thankful Book
Fold paper or papers in half and
staple fold to make a book. Help
your child find pictures in
magazines and newspapers of
items for which he/she is thankful
(toys, food, clothes, etc.) Help him
glue the items into the book.

Do this Fingerprint Turkey Craft,
compliments of DLTK Kids.

Do this Handprint Turkey Craft
with poem or this Cornucopia
Paper Craft
, compliments of DLTK

Good Deed
Create an opportunity for your child
to do something kind for someone
else. Buy or make a pastry to
deliver to a neighbor or friend, let
your child deliver a homemade
Thanksgiving card to the local
librarian, etc.

Thanksgiving Plates
On a paper plate, let your child
glue pre-cut pictures of foods in
anticipation of the upcoming
holiday feast.  

The Turkey
The turkey is a funny bird.
(Hook thumbs together and spread
fingers to create turkey tail.)

Its head goes wobble, wobble.
(Wobble head back and forth.)

And all it knows is just one word:
(Hold up one finger.)

"Gobble, gobble, gobble."
(Make mouth shape with hand,
opening and closing it while sounding
like a turkey.)

Did You Ever See a Turkey?
(to the tune of "Did You Ever See a

Did you ever see a turkey,
A turkey, a turkey,
Did you ever see a turkey
Run this way and that?
He runs, and he runs,
And he runs, and he runs!
To keep from being dinner on
Thanksgiving Day!

Let's be Thankful for this Day
(tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star")

Let's be thankful for this day,
For our friends and our play.
Let's be thankful, let's be glad,
For our food and the things we have.
Let's give thanks for you and me,
And our home and family.

Turkey in the Barnyard
Turkey in the barnyard, what does he
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble,
gobble all day.
Turkey on the table, what do I say?
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy,
yummy all day.
Turkey in my tummy, what do I say?
I ate too much on Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Time
Thanksgiving time is here,
Let's give a great big cheer,
For food and friends and family,
Thanksgiving time is here.

Five Turkeys
Five big turkeys sitting on the gate.
The first one said, "It's getting late."
The second one said, "Who goes
The third one said, "There are farmers
The fourth one said, "Let's run, run,
The fifth one said, "It's just
Thanksgiving fun."

Then Gobble Gobble went the wind.
And out went the lights.
And the five fat turkeys were out of sight.



"I'm thankful for"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome."

Color: Brown

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: Square

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Coloring Page 4