
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: snack-sized paper plates, yellow & red sidewalk chalk, egg carton lid
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Big Red Fire Engine by Rose Greydanus


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Make Pretend Smoke Detectors
Take two snack-size paper plates
and put one on top of the other.
Help your child staple or tape the
two plates together and "decorate"
them with a red dot or a red
sticker.  This is a great opportunity
to discuss fire safety with your
child, and also a reminder for you,
mom, to check those batteries!

Smoke Detector Hunt
Go on a scavenger hunt - help your
child find all the smoke detectors
in the house. Explain their use.

Fire Fighter
With red and yellow sidewalk
chalk, draw flames outside on the
ground, and let your child "put out
the fire" with water bottles. For
added fun, pull out the water hose
and see if your toddler can give it a
good spray.

Do this Fire Engine Egg Carton
or this Easy Fire Truck Craft
by DLTK Kids. Note, check the
older toddler lesson plan for
advanced craft ideas on this

Fire Station Tour
If you're involved in a playgroup, or
if your child has a group of
neighbors or family members who
would like to participate, arrange to
tour a fire station. At the least, you
can drive by the nearest fire
station, explaining to your child
what it is, and possibly run inside
to request a plastic child-sized
fireman's hat.

I'm a Firefighter
(Sung to: "I'm A Little Teapot")
I am a firefighter dressed in red.
With my fire hat on my head.
I can drive the fire truck, fight fire too,
And help make things safe for you.

The Firefighter
This firefighter rings the bell. (thumb)
This firefighter hold the hose so well.
This firefighter slides down the pole.
This firefighter chops a hole. (ring)
This firefighter climbs higher and
higher. (pinky)
And all the firefighters put out the fire!

FIrefighter Fingerplay
Five brave firefighters, Sleeping so,
(hold up a hand with fingers flat across
The fire bell rings, Down the pole they
(open the hand and make a downward
Jump in the fire truck, Hurry down the
street. Climb up the ladder,
(make the fingers climb)
Feel the fire's heat. (wipe sweat from
your brow)
Five brave firefighters, (hold up five
Put the fire out. (make a wiping motion)
Hip! Hip! Hooray! All the people shout!

(Sung to: "Pop Goes The Weasel")
Down the street the engine goes
The Firemen fight the fire
Up the ladder with their hose
Out goes the fire.

The Fire Song
(Sung to "Frere Jacques")

If there's a fire
If there's a fire
In your house
In your house

What do you do
What do you do

Firefighters at Work
Can you hear the siren?
(Cup right hand to ear.)
Listen to it scream!
Can you hear the fire bell?
(Cup left hand to ear.)
Do you know what they mean?
Here come the firefighters.
(Run in place.)
Listen to them shout!
(Cup hands around mouth.)
Pour on water!  Pour on water!
(With mouth cupped, shout this.)
Put the fire out!
(Shout and pretend to squirt water from


"Fire engine" or "Fire


"Smoke detector"

Color: Red

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: Rectangle

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

When is a good time to
read to my toddler?
After a nap, after lunch, and
before bed are popular times.
Make reading part of your
family’s routines. Take books
along when you go out with
your toddler. Sharing books
can be part of waiting at the
doctor’s office or the bus stop.
Read a story instead of
watching TV. Take your toddler
along to the library or
bookstore to find new books to