
Kiddie Carnival
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: heavy cardstock or construction paper, elastic or string (1 ft)
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Let's go to the carnival (Sticker Stories) by Cary Pillo


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

The fun fall weather is here! The
season abounds with craft shows
and festivals, and you're bound to
find one that your little one will
love! Visit the Events section of
HoustonSAHM.com  and make
plans to attend the year's best for a stimulating experience your child
will enjoy.

Festive Fall Mask
Make an easy mask using paper  
(colored card-stock works very
well), markers or crayons,
scissors, a stapler, and about 1
foot of elastic or string.
Draw an oval for a face (about the
size of your child's face).   Cut
around the edges of the face and
cut out the eye holes. Help your child color the face and decorate with stickers, glitter, feathers, or
buttons).Determine how much
elastic you'll need to fit around your child's head, trim elastic to size,
then staple each end to each side
of the mask.

Set up a trashcan or bucket and let
your child stand a few feet away
and practice tossing a small ball
of paper into the bucket. As your
child gets good at this, you'll have
to put more distance between him
and the basket. Each time your
child makes a basket, cheer like
crazy! Try your own hand at it as
well. Your child will delight in your

Over the Rope
Lay a jump rope or a belt on the
floor and help your child practice
jumping over it. If he's already
good at this game, you can try
putting two ropes in a row (spaced
apart about a foot) so he'll have to
jump twice, or he can practice
running first and then jumping
when he gets to the rope. Use the
phrase "Ready, set, go!" for the run
and jump game.

Ring Around the Rosy
Gather your child's friend and/or
teddy bears to play this old favorite:
Ring around the rosy,
A pocket full of posey,
Ashes, ashes,
We all fall down.

If your child doesn't own a bowling
set, use a round ball (or a
grapefruit) and some plastic baby
bottles or cardboard boxes (such
as Rice-A-Roni boxes) for pins.
Practice rolling the ball to knock
over the pins. Be sure to
emphasize how many of each item your child knocks down each time
"Wow, you knocked down three
boxes that time."

Sock Match-Up
You can use socks to help your
child discover likes and
differences.  Set out a pile of clean
socks.   Have your child match up
pairs of socks.   Then, put the
socks back into the pile and have
your child match up the socks by
placing them into piles of like
colors.   Finally, have your child
match the socks up by size, ie
small, medium and large.

(Tune: 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star')

Stretching, stretching boys and girls,
Show the world who you are,
Reach above the moon and stars
Show the world who you are.
Stretching, stretching boys and girls,
Reach above the moon and stars.

Going  Outside
(Tune: When Johnny Comes
Marching Home)
When it's a time for us to go outside,
To play, to play;
We find a place to put our toys
Away, away;
We'll march so qui - et - ly to the door,
We know ex - act - ly what's in store;
When we go outside to play for a little

The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together,
The more we get together, the happier
we'll be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together, the happier
we'll be.

The more we play together...
The more we learn together...
The more we sing together...

(Tune: Frere Jacques)
In October,
In October,
What do you see?
What do you see?
I see a gray squirrel
Leaping on the trees

In October,
In October,
What do you see?
What do you see?
I see Jack-O-Lanterns,
I see Jack-O-Lanterns,
Laughing at me,
Laughing at me.

In October,
In October,
What do you see?
What do you see?
I see children
Saying trick or treat
Saying trick or treat.

In October,
In October,
What do you see?
What do you see?
I see leaves
I see leaves
Dancing on the streets.



"Good job"

"You did it."

"Ready? Set. Go!"

Color: Red

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: diamond

If your child already knows
all his basic colors, it's still
important to keep
re-enforcing it on a weekly
basis. If you want your
toddler to learn a little
Spanish, now's a great
time to introduce him. If
you're not familiar with
Spanish, pick up a tape or
DVD and learn the basics