
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: 2 paper plates, wooden ruler, small brown lunch bag, medium brown lunch bag, construction
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Scarecrow by Cynthia Rylant


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

About Scarecrows
Read the book Scarecrow by
Cynthia Rylant to your child.
Explain the use of scarecrows to
your child (to scare the
crows/"birds" away from the
vegetables growing in fields).

Easy Scarecrow Craft
Staple two paper plates together,
leaving enough room to stuff lightly
with newspaper, then staple the
opening close.  This is the
scarecrow's head.  Paint the front
and back the color of your choice
and, when it's dry, add facial
features and hair.  Insert a ruler or
dowel where the neck would be.
You can even pick out one of your
toddler's old outfits to stuff with
newspaper for the scarecrow's

Scarecrow Movements
Play a variety of instrumental
music (classical, jazz, modern,
etc.)  Have fun with your child
moving the way a scarecrow would
move in rhythm to the music.

Scarecrow Lunch Bag Puppet

small size lunch bag
medium size lunch bag
various colors of construction

*Stuff a small lunch bag half full of
*Twist and tape the bag shut. (This
will be the head)
*Cut facial features from
construction paper and glue on.
*Use the medium size lunch bag
for the body  (opening side down)
*Cut an x in each side of the
medium size bag near the top.
*Roll a piece of brown paper into a
*Slide the tube through the x
openings for arms.
(From 1 side through to the other)
and secure with tape.
*Make a small cut in the bottom
part of the med. size bag and push
and glue the head into this.
*Make straw from thin strips of
yellow construction paper for the
hair.  These strips should also be
glued around the neck and out of
the arm tube openings.
*Cut squares, circles and other
shapes for the patches and glue to
the body of the scarecrow.

Scarecrow, Scarecrow
(Tune: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)

Scarecrow, scarecrow, turn around.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
touch the ground.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
stretch up high.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
blink your eyes.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
kick your feet.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
flap like a sheet.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
bend so low.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
touch your toe.
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
nod your head.
Scarecrow, scarecrow, go to bed!

The Floppy Scarecrow
The Floppy, floppy scarecrow
Guards his fields all day.
He waves his floppy, floppy hands
To scare the crows away!
(Repeat and replace hands with arms,
toes, head, legs, etc.)

I'm a Little Scarecrow
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)

I'm a little scarecrow
Stuffed with hay,
Standing watch in my field all day.
When I see a crow
I like to shout:
"Hey, Mr. Crow, you'd better get out!"

The Scarecrow
The old scarecrow is such a funny
He flops in the wind as hard as he can.
He flops to the right.
He flops to the left.
He flops back and forth
Till he's almost out of breath.
His arms swing out;
his legs swing, too.
He nods his head in a
See him flippity flop when the wind
blows hard,
The funny scarecrow in our backyard.

Scarecrow, Scarecrow
Scarecrow, scarecrow,
How scary can you be?
You scared (insert your child's name)
But you didn't scare me!



Color: Orange

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: rectangle

Toddler Responsibility:

Even your toddler is probably
very self-absorbed at this
stage in his development, you
can still give him opportunities
to stretch his boundaries by
asking them for help. Ask your
toddler to place napkins on the
table for dinner, tear up lettuce
for a salad or get a diaper for a
younger sibling. To you,  these
may not seem all that helpful,
but to a toddler, these
meaningful actions help lay a
foundation for them to become
more responsible as they