
Cars & Trucks
WoodlandsMommy.com - Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  2 round paper plates, masking tape
Book(s) to add to your child's library: I Love Trucks by Philemon Sturges


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

With your child, look through
picture books about cars and
trucks. Talk about the colors of the
vehicles and the visible parts
(windows, wheels, windshield
wipers, etc.)

Motor around the room with your
child and pretend to drive with
plastic plates (steering wheels).

Car Wash
Play with your child at a water table
or at the sink with water and toy
cars. Provide a sponge, brush,
washcloth, and a spray bottle for
your child to use to wash and dry
the cars.

Bus Stop
Use masking tape to make a
street on the floor and let your child
roll a toy car or bus up and down
the street.  Stop and pick up toy
people. Use the words “stop” “go”
“fast” and “slow”.

Take your child on a walk. Point
out cars, trucks, and buses. Listen
for automobile sounds such as
beeps, honks, and hisses.

Freeze Dance
Make a stop sign. You can use a
piece of cardboard or a ping pong
paddle covered with red paper with
the word STOP in white letters. On
the reverse side, make it green
with the word GO. Play music and
dance. When you flip the sign from
green to STOP, you and your child
should freeze. Begin dancing
again when you flip it back to GO.

I Spy
Where is a red car?
I spy a red car.
Red car, Red car,
Beep Beep Beep.

Big Truck, Little Truck
Big truck, big truck, how do you go?
Forward, backward, fast or slow.
Little truck, little truck, How do you go?
Forward, backward, fast or slow.

The Truck Song
(Tune to “Mulberry Bush”)
The garbage truck picks up the trash,
Up the trash, up the trash,
The garbage truck picks up the trash
And leaves an empty can.

Watching Traffic
(Tune to “Frere Jacques”)
Watch the cars go, watch the cars go,
Whiz-zing by, whiz-zing by,
Beep beep beep beep beep beep
Beep beep beep beep beep beep,
That’s like mine! That’s like mine!

Watch the bus go, watch the bus go,
Rolling by, rolling by,
Stop for all the people, stop for all the
Get on board! Get on board!

See the trucks go, see the trucks go,
Down the street, down the street,
Gas and oil and milk trucks,
Mail and trash and dump trucks,
On their way, on their way.

Traffic Light Song
(Tune to “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Can you see the traffic light,
Traffic light, traffic light?
Green means go and yellow means
slow and red means stop stop stop!

Green means go.
Red means stop.

Color: Pink

Numbers: 1 to 15

Shape: Oval