
Choo Choo Trains
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan
Shopping List:  ----
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Red Train by Will Grace


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning


Play with Trains
Visit a local store and let your child
play with trains. In the Houston
area, Pottery Barn Kids usually
has a train set available for in-
store play, as well as The
Woodlands Children’s museum.

Train Cars
Give your child several small
rectangular shapes to color and
decorate as he wises (with
crayons, markers, stickers, etc.)
After he is done, help him paste
two wheels to the bottom of each
and display the papers as if each
were a box car on a train.

All Aboard the Color Train:
Cut out many "tickets" from
different colors of construction
paper. Give your child seven or
eight tickets. Tell him that you are
the conductor of a Color Train and
he can ride the train if he gives you
a ticket that matches the color you
call. Announce "All aboard the Red
Train" or the color of your choice.
Have him give you the appropriate
color ticket and then he can climb
on the train for a ride. Use a magic
blanket ride on the floor as your
pretend train. After a minute, stop
and announce a new color.
(Variations: use numbers, letters
or shapes instead of colors.)

Teddy Bear Train
Obtain a box that your child’s teddy
bear will fit into. Poke a hole big
enough to thread a piece of yarn
through. Tie a piece of yarn, just
long enough for your child to hold,
while the box rests on the floor. Let
your child pull the train around with
his teddy bear, while making train
noises (“chugga lugga, chugga
lugga, choo choo!”)

Do this Easy Train Craft.

(Tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
The engine chugs along,
The engine chugs along,
Up and down the mountain tracks,
The engine chugs along.
The train goes click, click, click,
The train goes click, click, click,
Straight across the open plain,
The train goes click, click, click!
The whistle goes woo, woo,
The whistle goes woo, woo,
All across the USA,
The whistle goes woo, woo!!

Little Red Caboose
Little red caboose,
Chug!  Chug!  Chug!
Little red caboose,
Chug!  Chug!  Chug!
Little red caboose,
Behind the train,
Train, Train, Train,
Smokestack's on his back,
Back, Back, Back.
Comin' around the track,
Track, Track, Track.
Little red caboose,
Behind the train.
Woooooo!   Woooooo!

The Little Train
The little train,
Goes up the track.
It says, "Toot, toot",
And comes right back.

Engine, Engine
Engine, engine Number Nine,
Running on Chicago Line.
If she's polished how she'll shine,
Engine, engine Number Nine.

Choo- Choo Train...
This is a choo-choo train,
(Bend arms at elbows)
Puffing down the track.
(Rotate forearms in rhythm)
Now it's going forward,
(Push arms forward, continue motion)
Now is going back.
(Pull arms back using same motion)
Now the bell is ringing.
(Pull cord with closed fist)
Now the whistle blows.
(Hold fist near mouth and blow Toot,
What alot of noise it makes.
(Cover ears with hands)
Everywhere it goes.
(Stretch out arms)


Color: Red

Numbers: 1 to 15

Shape: Rectangle