
Flowers and Butterflies
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List:  Pipe cleaners, colored construction paper, washable markers, coffee filter
Book(s) to add to your child's library: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
FingerPlays & Songs
Additional Learning

Read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
(board book by Eric Carle).

Make Handprint Butterflies.

Go on a nature walk and pick
wildflowers in a basket.

Have your child hold scarves or fabric
scraps as "wings". Play music and
dance as butterflies.

Make Butterflies: Color on a coffee
filter with washable markers.
Spray with water and the colors
will bleed. Use a pipe cleaner or
pinch clothes pin around the
middle of the filter to create a
body and antenna.

You will need :
* Any plain coloured papers or
construction papers
* Pencil
* Scissors
* Green pipe cleaners (or straws)
* Tape or glue
* Stapler

Trace your toddler's hand on the
coloured or construction paper and cut
the tracing out. Curl each of the fingers
around a pencil. Then, using the palm
of the handprint, form a cone (with the
fingers curling outwards). Glue or tape
the cone together.

Staple the flower to a pipe cleaner or a
drinking straw. On a green
construction paper, draw some leaves,
then cut them out. Staple or tape the
leaves to the straw.

You can make an entire bouquet of
flowers from this toddler craft for a
great gift.  

The Fuzzy Caterpillar
(Tune: Itsy Bitsy Spider)

The fuzzy caterpillar
curled up on a leaf.
Spun her little cacoon
and then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping,
she dreamed that she could fly.
And later when she woke up,
she was a butterfly.

The Caterpillar
There was a caterpillar. It wiggled up a tree.
It wiggled long, it wiggled short, it wiggled
right at me!
I put him in a little box, don't go away said I.
But when I opened up the box, he was a

Growing Flowers
Little flowers in the ground
(wiggle fingers on the floor)
Watch the wind blow you round and round
(move fingers in a circular motion).
Grow up in the sky so tall
(wiggle fingers slowly upward)
If I don't water you, you will fall
(quickly move fingers back to ground).

Daffy Down Dilly
(Mother Goose nursery rhyme)

Daffy Down Dilly
Has come to town
In a yellow petticoat
And a green gown.


Phrase to repeat:
"It's Spring"

Color: Yellow

Numbers: 1 to 10

Shape: Rectangle

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Visit a plant nursery and take the
time to show your child the pretty
types of flowers. Find a flower
that's easy to distinguish, such as
a rose or a sunflower, and
introduce your child the type of
flower. Choose no more than one
or two!

Go on a YELLOW scavenge hunt
throughout the house.