
My Teeth
WoodlandsMommy.com – Toddler Lesson Plan

Shopping List: ------
Book(s) to add to your child's library: Tooth Fairy by Audrey Wood


FingerPlays & Songs


Additional Learning

Dental Talk
Explain to your toddler that teeth
are an important part of our body.
Keeping our teeth clean keeps
them healthy. Make sure your child
knows what a toothbrush,
toothpaste, and dental floss looks
like and the proper usage of each.

Dental Visit
If it's time for your child's first
dental visit or next check-up, make
an appointment to go see the
dentist. Speak up the event in
advance so your child can look
forward to the experience.  
Introduce the dentist as a friendly
doctor who helps them take care
of their teeth.

Have fun finger painting with
toothpaste on a paper plate.

Find the Smile
Go through family pictures or
pictures books in your child's
library and find pictures of people
with big white smiles. Talk about
how brushing helps achieve pretty
smiles. An alternative to this is to
make a display board (cut and
paste pictures from magazines) of
people doing different things with
their teeth (biting, brushing,
flossing, smiling, etc.)

View this online animated story,
"Visit the Dentist with Marty".

Do this Happy Teeth Paper Craft,
compliments of DLTK Kids.

Are Your Teeth Clean and White?
(Tune: "Do Your Ears Hang Low?")

Are your teeth clean and white?
Do you brush them every night?
Do you brush them in the morning?
Do you brush them right?
Do you brush them side to side?
Are your teeth clean and white?
Do you floss them good
To remove the bits of food?
Do you floss them every day?
Like you know you should?
Do you take good care of
The teeth that are there?
Do you floss them good?

Dr. Danny
(Tune: "Are You Sleeping?")
Dr. Danny
Always tells me,
Brush your teeth
Brush your teeth.
Brush them in the morning
And again at bedtime.
Brush your teeth
Brush your teeth.

I've Been Brushing
(Tune: "I've Benn Working on the
I've been brushing with my toothbrush,
Brushing everyday.
I've been brushing with my toothbrush,
It's how I fight decay.
All my teeth are gonna sparkle,
How proud I will be.
Every time I want to smile,
My teeth will Shine for me!
Always brush your teeth,
Every Single day.
Keep those cavities away!
Use your brush and paste,
Just the way you should,
Keep your smile a looking good!

Got My Toothpaste
(Tune to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")
Got my toothpaste, got my brush,
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Making sure my teeth are clean,
Front and back and in between.
When I brush for quite a while,
I will have a happy smile!

Brush Your Teeth
(Tune: "Jingle Bells")
Brush your teeth,
Brush your teeth,
Give your teeth a treat.
Brush up and down and all around,
To keep them clean and neat!
Brush them once,
Brush them twice,
Brush three times a day.
Brush up and down and all around,
Keep cavities away!

A Toothbrush
(Tune: "Yankee Doodle")
Of all things around the town,
A toothbrush is a dandy,
brush up and down and all around,
and stay away from candy!



Color: White

Numbers: 1 to 20

Shape: triangle

Coloring Pages:

Coloring Page 1

Coloring Page 2

Coloring Page 3

Coloring Page 4

Teaching Your Toddler to
Brush Teeth

Properly brushing your teeth is
an important part of dental
hygiene that most adults
understand. Toddlers,
however, have a different idea
of what constitutes a clean
mouth. It take both patience
and creativity to teach a toddler
how to brush teeth.

Step 1:
Begin by brushing their teeth
for them. Dentists agree that
it's the parents' responsibility
to ensure that a child's mouth
is clean until the he is six
years old. You must use the
correct form of brushing when
you brush a toddler's teeth
since this is the first lesson he
gets in dental hygiene.

Step 2:
Let her brush her own teeth.
Most toddlers enter an
independent stage where they
want to do things for
themselves, so let her brush
her teeth if she asks to. After
she has finished, re-brush her
teeth to make sure they're

Step 3:
Make brushing teeth a fun
game. Brush your teeth at the
same time and see which one
of you can brush longer, or
play hide and seek and have
him find where plaque likes to

Step 4:
Create a tooth brushing song,
incorporating words for the
different parts of the mouth.
You can use words like up,
down, top, bottom, left, right,
inside, outside, front, back and
tongue. If your toddler is
learning these words, tap the
parts of her mouth that
correspond to the word.