
Smiling Baby
WoodlandsMommy.com – Infant Lesson Plan

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Book to add to your child's library: Padded Board Books: Baby ABC by DK Publishing

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

My Turtle
This is my turtle (make fist, extend thumb)
He lives in a shell (hide thumb in fist).
He likes his home very well.
He pokes his head out when he wants to
eat (extend thumb)
And pulls it back when he wants to sleep
(hide thumb in fist).

Tickle Tickle
Tickle tickle tickle where?
Tickle, tickle on your hair,
Tickle, tickle on your toes
Tickle, tickle on your nose
Tickle tickle tickle cute
Tickle, in your birthday suit.

Where is Thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am,
Here I am,
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you,
Run away,
Run away.

Repeat with:
Where is Pointer? (first finger)
Where is Tall Man? (second finger)
Where is Ring Man? (third finger)
Where is Pinky? (fourth finger)
Where are all the men? (all the fingers and
the thumb)

Play Ball
Roll a large, soft ball back and
forth with your baby. Play music
in the background to add to the
fun. Try different types of balls
and even a paper towel roll.

Where Is It?
This is a new twist on an old
guessing game. Place three
plastic cups upside down on a
surface in front of your child. Put
a small rubber ball or other toy
underneath one of the cups.  Tilt
the cup slightly so that baby can
see where the ball is, and
conceal it again. Ask, "Where is
the ball?" Reward her with lots
of praise when she selects the
right one.

Open/Shut Them
(For variety, play this game with
your child's stuffed animals)

Open shut them, open shut them,
give a little clap.
Open shut them, open shut them,
put them in your lap!
Creep them, creep them, creep
them, creep them, right up to
your chin.
Open wide your little mouth, but
do not let them in!

Play Pat-A-Cake

Hold up an object in front
of your child, such as a
piece of dishware or a
type of fruit, and describe
what it is. Be sure to add
in descriptive adjectives to
enhance learning. (i.e.,
"This is an apple. It is red
and round.") You'll be
surprised at how quickly
your little one begins to
recognize things in the
months to come.

Face to Face Interaction:

Play "This Little Piggy": Pulling
the thumb, say, "This little
piggy went to the market."
Pulling the index finger, say,
"This little piggy stayed
home." Pulling the middle
finger, say, "This little piggy
had roast beef." Pulling the
ring finger, say, "This little
piggy had none." Pulling the
pinky finger, say, "This little
piggy cried 'wee wee wee' all
the way home!" Feel free to
tickle Baby as you say "wee
wee wee!"

Play bicycle: As Baby lies on
her back, lift up her legs and
rotate them as if she were
riding a bicycle. Make up a
silly rhyme to sing as you do
it, such as: "I'm riding my bike
today! I'm going to head out
and play! I wish I might and I
wish I may! Have some fun on
my bike all day!"