
Bubble Mania
WoodlandsMommy.com - Infant Lesson Plan

Shopping List:    Bubble blower, packing bubbles
Book to add to your child's library: Bubbles Bubbles by Kathi Appelt

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building

(sung to "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
Bubbles floating in the air,
in the air, in the air.
Bubbles floating in the air,
Pop, Pop, Wow!

Bubbles are Floating
(Tune to Are You Sleeping?)
Bubbles are floating, bubbles are
Up so high, up so high,
Floating up above us, floating up
above us,
In the sky, in the sky.

Pop Goes the Bubble
(Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
All around the great outdoors
The baby chased the bubbles.
The baby laughed and had such fun.
Pop! Goes the bubbles.

Clapping Game
Open them, shut them,
Open them, shut them,
Give a little clap clap clap.
Open them shut them,
Open them, shut them,
Place them in your lap lap lap.

Play Peek-a-Book with your
child using stuffed animals and
a blanket.

Round the Head
Round and round the head
Grew (child's name) hair,
One bubble, Two bubbles,
Tickle you under there.
(tickle back of baby's neck.)

Wiggle Song
(Let your child watch you act
this out the first time. The
second time, act it out on with
HIS body.)

I wiggle wiggle wiggle my
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my toes
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my
I wiggle wiggle wiggle my nose
Now no more wiggles are left in
So I will be as still as can be.

Use a bubble blower to blow
bubbles and let your child
have fun reaching for and
popping the bubbles with
her hand.

Make soapy water by filling
the kitchen sink with water
and dish-washing liquid).
Scoop out the top layer of
foamy bubbles and put  into
a large plastic bowl, and let
your infant use his hands to
explore inside the bowl.
Hide rubber ducky in the
bowl for more fun!

Obtain packing bubbles and
help your child pop the
bubbles with his tiny fingers!

Face to Face Interaction:

Recite the nursery rhyme
"Yankee Doodle" to your child
and clap his hands to the rhyme:

Yankee Doodle came to town,
A-ridin' on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle Dandy;
Mind the music and the steps
And with the girls be handy.