
Hands and Fingers
Infant Lesson Plan – WoodlandsMommy.com

Shopping List:        ------
Field Trip Idea:      Local library for storytime. While there, search for books with pictures of hands.

Music, Movement, and

Baby Games and


Relationship Building


(bouncing and lifting)
Bouncy, bouncy, we like to bouncy,
Bouncy, bouncy,one two three!
Bouncy, bouncy, we like to bouncy,
Bouncy, bouncy, bounce with me!


Pat A Cake
(clap baby's hands & gesture)
Pat a cake, Pat a cake,  Baker's Man
Bake me a cake  as fast as you can.
Pat it and prick it  And mark it with a "B"
Put it i the oven for baby and me.

These are Baby's Fingers
These are baby's fingers.
These are baby's toes.
This is baby's belly button
Round and round it goes.

This Little Piggy
(use fingers to act out each little piggy)

This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none,
This little piggy cried wee wee wee
All the way home.

Open, Shut Them
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Make a little clap clap clap.
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them,
Put them in your lap lap lap.

Peek A Boo
Play peek-a-boo with your hands,
alternating between covering your
eyes and your child's eyes

If You're Happy and You Know It
(clap baby's hands as you sing
the song)

If you're happy and you know it
clap your hands (clap clap),
If you're happy and you know it
clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it
clap your hands (clap clap).

Surprise Bag:
Fill a bag with the
following items and
allow your child to
pull out one item at a
time to explore:
a large ball of paper,
baby rattle, yarn,  
squeaky toy, teddy
bear (improvise as

Where are Your
Cover your child's
hands with a towel
and ask "where are
(child's name)
hands? Lift the towel
and say "Ah, there
they are." Do the
same thing again,
asking "where are
babies fingers?"
When you unveil the
fingers, count each
one to be sure they're
all there!

Face to Face Interaction:
Smile and talk to your child
about hands. Explain that his
hands are for picking up items.
Tell him his hands are soft,
then hold your hands up to his
and tell him he has small
hands, mommy has big hands.

Music Time:
Play some music and rock your
baby back in forth in your arms,
swaying to the